I can feel the hate comments now

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You. Need. Dysphoria. To. Be. Trans.

It doesn't have to be extremely bad dysphoria but you have to have some case of dysphoria to be trans. If you are perfectly okay and comfortable with your body and gender, WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO TRANSITION? I'm not saying that if you don't experience dysphoria is high levels or in the "normal" way that most trans people do that you're not trans. I'm saying that if you are a person that is perfectly okay with having female parts and identify and have no gender or body dysphoria at ALL, that you are not trans. I'm saying that if you say that you are a trans male and that you are 100% okay with having a chest, not having a dick, and is okay with looking feminine that you are not trans. If you are okay with looking feminine and have no problem with your givin gender, you're probably not trans. It's okay if you don't experience all types of dysphoria but you have to experience some sort of dysphoria to be trans. You also don't have to get every surgery to be trans either. I myself might not get bottom surgery in case I want biological children in the future. That doesn't mean I like my down stairs parts either, if I could wake up tomorrow and have a dick I'd be overjoyed. I'm sick of people who think being trans is cool when it makes everything harder. I hate being trans and wish I was a cis boy more than anything. People don't understand that I can't do simple things every other boy can just because I was born with a male soul and brain with a biological female body. So yeah, being trans sucks and it's not cool at all. Don't fake being trans please, it makes everyone else who is trans look bad. It's not "cool" to hate yourself and your body because you were born wrong. These transtrenders make it harder for teens like me that can't start hormones till I'm 18 because my dad is afraid of me detransitioning.

(Ps: I'm not trying to invalidate anyone who is trans and I'm the closet or unable to transition because of parents because that's not their fault at all)

Diary of a teenage transgender Where stories live. Discover now