The dream

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Ciels pov
~three in the morning~
I woke up with a start. Remembering my dream. 'Ruby was killed and it's my fault' I thought to myself. "I killed her" I wisher more to myself than to anyone else. At that moment I heard the door open. I saw Sebastian in the doorway. "Young master are you okey" he asked me. "I'm fine" I said. And then he asked me the weirdest question. "how's ruby" he asked. "How Do you know about her?" I asked him. "Well you kept on saying that name in your sleep" he answered me. "Ruby is... well was my little sister, we both got sold but I heard that she died" I said. "I see... you should get some rest we have a big day tomorrow". I looked at Sebastian. "Sebastian... never mind" I said. He smiled "good night my young lord" with that Sebastian left my room.

Sebastian's POV

Once I left ciels room I did the rest of the preparations for tomorrow. 'Why does the name Ruby sound so familiar?' I thought to myself and then it hit me 'Ruby is the name of the queen of hell, I wonder if... no it can't be the same person can it'. I finished my preparations and decided to get some information about Ruby Phantomhive. There wasn't a lot of information about her. It just said that she died with Ciels parents.

So is this Ruby person the queen of hell or is she dead (I think she's dead but how knows) that made me think of undertaker for some weird reason 💀💀💀

I hope you like this chapter . I still don't own black butler (I sometimes wish I did but I don't) love all of you, you beautiful people

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