The fight

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Ruby's POV
He looked at me in shock and then pointed his gun right at my head and... bang. I cut the bullet in half. Alois and Claude looked at me in shock. "What? Is there something wrong" I asked them. "What? How? How did you do that?!" Alois asked me. "It's simple... I just cut the bullet" I answered. "Ruby has been fighting since she was a baby" Ciel said "she got her first gun when she was one and she got in her first fight she was three years old" he continued. I nodded. "But when ou were one you should have gotten a baby toy not a gun, and then you were three you should have been playing with dolls not fighting!!" Alois exclaimed. "Sebastian get rid of this filth, it's an order" Ciel said pointing at the Kidnappers and taking of his eyepatch. I looked at the marvelous color. "Yes my lord" Sebastian said with a smirk. A part of the ceiling fell down. I used my body to protect Ciel. "Are... are you okey Ruby" Ciel asked with worry in his voice. I nodded and then fainted. I felt to arms pick me up and then everything went black...

Another chapter! I'm finished and I hope you like the cliffhanger. Hehehe I'm so evil 😈 I love you all so much and have a great my precious readers. ❤️🖤❤️🖤😘

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