The ball

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I got dressed in a matter of seconds. I wore a long dark blue dress. But it had a hood attached to it. I went down stairs just as a few Guests arrived. I quickly snuck outside and checked the perimeter. Luckily for ciel no bad guys. I saw Claude, Alois and a maid with light purple hair come in. I also could see rose. I jumped onto the rooftop watching all of the guests, making sure nobody unwanted showed up. I turned around and saw some people in black with guns. I immediately informed Sebastian. I said "I'm gonna take care of the people in black, you have to make sure that nobody unwanted gets in" he nodded. I put on my blue cloak and walked outside. I heard them going over the plane again. "We are gonna get all the servants attention so are guy can kill Ciel and Ruby Phantomhive" one guy said. I laughed softly and darkly making them turn around. "Not no my watch" i said. They grabbed there guns and pointed them at me. I grabbed my scythe. They couldn't see my face cauz I had my hood on. "A-are you a male or a female" one of the guys asked. I smirked and said in the most silky smooth feminine voice I could "wouldn't you like to know". I could see that most of the men had a boner. Then Claude appeared out of knower. He grabbed my waist and whispered softly in my ear "Sebastian was getting worried and asked me to make sure you were alright, please play along with me" I nodded, he let go of me and walked away keeping the boys attention on him. "Don't get your hopes up boys, she's already taken, and if you hurt my little sister I'll kill you". I took my chance and killed all of them. "Why did you say that I'm taken? and why did you say that I was you're sister?" I asked Claude "well..."

A good cliffhanger is always fun!! Welp I love you all so much!!!!! Stay awesome, stay cool, and be nice!!!!

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