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"happy birthday yun hee!" jimin exclaims, startling the poor girl.

she stretch out her arms, "where's my present?"

the boy simply shrugged, "isn't my presence itself a good enough present to you?"

"yah!" she laughs, smacking his arms in which he dramatically gasped in return.

"oh, sorry my dear highness."

the classroom door creaks open as yoongi dragged himself all the way towards his seat, his uniform sloppier than usual.

she grins to herself before kneeling down in front of him, her hands cupping her face.

"are you forgetting something?"

yoongi looks up, his eyes squinting harder than usual. "forget what?"

her heart felt a strong pain. it was an extremely unpleasant feeling. the feeling of the person you care the most forgetting about your birthday is the worst. absolutely horrible.

but it was the same for the previous years too. yoongi was constantly absent minded so it was a no brainer that he would occasionally forget a few birthdays here and there since his mind was always occupied with melodies and various new songs he could come up with.

but she don't blame him.

so long he's here with her, she's already contented.

"oh yeah," his face lit up, strangely, it caused her to have a glimmer of hope that he perhaps could've remembered her birthday.

but who was she kidding?

"i actually brought a lunch box for once," he gave a sleepy smile, waving the green box in the air.

yun hee smiles back, "that's great. now you won't have to complain to me about the school food anymore,"

"hey, those are really gross to eat." yoongi retorts back, putting his lunch box back into his bagpack. "i can't believe hoseok stuffs his face with one of those meatballs and had the nerves to say it's delicious,"

he shuddered, "i can't help but think they poisoned it."

yun hee snorts back, enthusiastic in the conversation. "the lunch lady totally digs you, she was obviously giving you heart signs and winks. i mean, she even gave you a bigger portion of meat than everyone else."

yoongi gives a distasteful expression, "the meat was disgusting though."

"i mean, i'm grateful but still."

she laughs back, trying to cover up the fact that she wanted him to remember her birthday for once.

but she couldn't do that, she couldn't bring herself to do it.

it just seemed too clingy and desperate.

she do have her fair share of pride as well.


"ahh class is finally over," yun hee groans, stretching her arms and enjoying the sounds of her bones cracking.

yoongi walked towards her, his hands waving around the two oh-so-familiar tickets in front of her face.

"wanna go today?" he asked, glancing at the clock. "we still have time for dinner right? i mean, if you're not free there's always another ti-"

"i'll go!" she cuts him off in a hurry, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ears. "my stomach is grumbling anyways, and plus it's free."

yun hee though she did not express it, she can't help but think that yoongi actually did remember her birthday. and he was using the tickets they won at the amusement park as a good way to hang out with her.

-or not.

the trip to the restaurant was absolutely suffocating. the two of them never spoke a single word, and although yun hee was fidgeting non-stop and stealing glances at his side profile, she dared not speak and he didn't point it out either.

it was that awkward.

if he wanted to impress her, he would've done so long ago. but then again, yoongi wasn't someone who tends to express his inner feeling so easily and cheesily.

"what do you want to eat?" yoongi asks gently, flipping through the menu. "the steak looks good."

she chuckles, "i'm fine with anything."

yoongi raises a brow, "then the same as mine?"

she nods in reply, closing the menu shut.

strangely enough, the restaurant was almost deserted with only a few customers here and there. but most of them ordered take outs.

perhaps because today was a weekday that there isn't as much people compared to weekends?

shortly after their food arrived, yun hee gobbled it down hungrily. she didn't care that the boy she liked was in front of her, her stomach had other plans.

"geez," he says, picking up the napkin from the table. "you have gravy on your face, you silly girl."

he wiped it off, her heart pounding harder than before and this time, it feels as though it may actually jump out of her chest and into his arms.

this was enough, she thought to herself. it was fine that he didn't remember it.

she had spent time with him, and she's happy with that. what else could she possibly ask for?


"alright, let's go." she says, preparing to leave when all of a sudden, the lights went off.

"yoongi?" confused, she waved her arms around in an attempt to find him. it was pitch black and that boy was strangely not making a sound at all.

her heart rate started to get higher and clearer to her ears as her eyes desperately tries to find a source of light.

she crouches down, her hands hugging her knees.

"yoongi.." she cries out softly.

"happy birthday to you.."

"happy birthday to you.."

"happy birthday dear yun hee,"

"happy birthday to you!"

she looks up, and there he was, with a chocolate glazed cake on his hands as he smiled at her.

"what are you waiting for?" yoongi laughs, flicking her forehead. "make a wish, you clumsy girl."

her mouth agape open, her mind completely blank. never in her life had she expected that yoongi of all people would prepare a birthday cake for her.

"ah, why is it dripping?" she sniffs, wiping away the tears escaping her eyes.

yoongi gives her a small smile in return, pulling her into a tight and warm embrace. "you can't possibly think that i would forget your birthday again right?"

"it's just-" she choked on her sob. "i never expected you to do something like this.. it wasn't your style, i thought you didn't care."

he pulled her closer, his chin placed on the top of her head. "stop crying yun hee, smile for me."

he tilts her face up, moving her fringe away to get a better look of her.

her eyes were red and puffy, and as though she seemed to notice it herself, she moved away, covering her face with her hands. "i look horrible right now,"

yoongi grabs onto her wrist, leaning closer so his foreheads rest on hers. he smiles at her, "you're the most beautiful girl my eyes have ever laid on, do you know that?" he says in a voice barely more than a whisper.

her lips parted, and that was the limit to his self-control as a man.

his lips brush against hers, their lips synchronizing with each other slowly but surely, he bit onto her lower lip, nearly knocking all wind from her lungs. she gasped for air, her eyes flutter open as his innocent looking eyes stared right back at her.

"you're the most beautiful woman i have ever met in my life-no, i won't stop saying it." he says softly, planting a kiss on her forehead.

"i love you, and i will always till death tear us apart."

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