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"alrighty mighty my fellow couples. the first stage is relatively easy, so if y'all lovebirds consider yourself as lovers you must definitely get this one right!" the host declares before continuing. "will the male participants please put their hands through the hole,"

some of the audience groan in reponse while the rest cheered for whatever there is to come next.

"alright, girls. you have 20 seconds to figure out which one is your lover's hands... begin!"

yun hee grinned to herself, her eyes focused on the far end. she was certain, not regular certain, but extremely certain. she didn't think it was him, she knows it is.

her hands locked with his, and the boy holds it.



no, that's not him.

"you're not yoongi," she mumbled, her hands drifted towards a sloppy one beside it.

she lett go of that hand and held onto the one beside her.

his hands held onto her tighter, she smiled.

"found you,"

"time's up!" the mc shouts as the curtain drops down and there revealed the one person i knew it would be.

"you found me," he gave her a gummy smile.

"well, technically you found me too." she teased. "you knew it was me the moment i held onto your hands right? your hands held mine tightly,"

he shrugs, looking away, "who knows?"

"sadly, this gameshow would be over as quickly as you folks think it would. we are now left with two contestants, on to the next!" he gave a sly smile before spreading his arms wide, pointing towards the powerpoint.

"KISSING SESSION?!" yoongi shouts, baffled at the screen in front of him. it was ridiculous, absolutely ridiculous. though it was what his inner thoughts were, his body couldn't lie.

and he was completely red from head to toe.

"why hello there young lad. i see that you're excited aren't you?" the mc wriggled his brows, causing the crowd to explode into massive laughters.

yoongi grew redder, his lips pursed.

"don't worry," yun hee whispered into his ears. "we can just forfeit if you don't want to do it," she says with a small smile. she was disappointed, but it was clear that yoongi was uncomfortable with the attention they were getting. and what that man said earlier didn't do any good at all.

"no, it's alright." he says, gripping tightly onto her hands as he gave her a reassuring smile. "i'm a man afterall,"

though yoongi had said that, his eyes can't help but to occasionally dart towards the other couple whom were busy ignoring the crowds and having some time alone to themselves. he gulped, knowing they are probably experienced and will easily win.

but yoongi's pride was too huge was even something as simple as a kissing session. he didn't want to lose.

"the rules are simple. basically, all you have to do is kiss your partner and whoever lasts the longest without anyone breaking apart wins!" the man claps his hands before taking out his whistle.


yun hee plants her lips against his immediately, it was just a soft touch. they weren't planning on being so erotic, though it's another story for the other couple.

it only had been a few seconds and they were already getting hot and steamy, they probably do this sort of thing in public everyday if they aren't the least bit embarrassed that there were people watching them.

yoongi's eyes locked with hers, the both of their cheeks getting redder and redder as time passes on. half is due to lack of air, and the other.. well.

"and the teenage couple wins!" the mc shouts loudly. yun hee broke the kiss off to look behind her.

apparently the lady broke the kiss off first because the guy was 'ruining' her make-up.

it was a pity and a lame way to lose, they could've lasted longer and won.

"aren't cha' happy, little boy." the man ruffled his hands through yoongi's hair before passing him the tickets to two free meals at a western restaurant.

before they left, the man pulled yoongi closer, whispering something into his ears that made his face bright red once again.

yun hee furrows her brow, "what is it!"

"it's nothing." yoongi calmly says, unfaltered.

"yah! what on earth did he tell you?" yun hee runs after him, tugging the sleeves of his shirt.

she's a good catch, you lucky boy. best hold onto her before some other pests get to do so.

"nothing," he smiles. "nothing at all,"

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