Your pregnant situation

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Midoriya izuku
He is a innocent little bean and very scared of what the results will be. You come out ofthr bathroom and gave him a huge smile. "Im pregnant!" You scream.
Aandddd... There he goes full on the floor
Fainted out of happiness!


Shouto todoroki
He would have that dull expression on his face. Like 'what the fuck okay' he doesnt realize exactly what would happen. But he would be a better dad to his child than endeavor ever was.


Mezo shoji
He would make the best dad in the world he knows already everything you guys need to know. He would be excited as fuck! He would do anything in this situation to make you happy expect when you have mood swings than he is the fuck out of there!


Yuga aoyama
Right when you told him about your expectation he slurred you out of the house.
'TO THE CITY!' He will scream and man you wish you werent pregnant for the sake of your child. All the clothes he buys in stores and make up and shoes IT ALL GLOWS AND SHINES. But with a good intention.


Yo shindo
He at first will be not okay with it but when he gets the idea of having a familly with you. He starts hoping for a child now. He will do anything to make you guys a happy familly together.


Hitoshi shinsou
He would be okay with it. The idea will be he will stay home to take care of the child and you will work. He secretly loves the idea of a child of his own but wont admit it.


Tenya ida
He would promise you to take care of you both and be the bestest dad ever. He will do research and practice till the time has come.


All might
The child would be a Lucky bastard. He will eventually be that kind of father that has a soft spot for you the only thjng you have to do is twinkle with your eyes and he says yes.


He wasnt waiting for a child actually. And if he wanted it he would pray for a boy so he could teach him about 'women'.


Denki kaminari
I really think he is gonna be a very great dad. He has to get that idea in his head how to be a dad but he will be very carefull with the child. He will take care of it as if it is a piece of glass.

So precious


Mirio togota
He will hope it is a boy so he can pass on his aknowledge but when it is a girl he will secretly be happier. He will be dad kind of dad that will do everything with his kid and keep the boys away from his daughter or teaxh his son everything he knows and tell them stories!!


I think when he has a child they would have the same habbits. Low energy, badass, quickly annoyed and liking to be a catarpillar in a sleeping sack.

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