Who's Next - part 2

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The puffy circles and red rimmed eyes are only a slight indication to how tired Emma is. She cups the cool water that flows from the faucet and splashes it in her face. She repeats the action before grabbing some paper towels off the counter and wiping herself off. Looking back in the mirror, any signs of rejuvenation are absent. Sighing she goes for her saving grace, pulling her thick black rimmed glasses out of her pocket and sliding them over the bridge of her nose. She pulls her hair free from its ponytail and does her best to straighten the wrinkles out of her blazer.

It had taken her more than a few hours to fill Ethan in and get him up to date. The entire time she could feel Ethan studying her, with jealousy and intrigue at the same time.

"You're lucky," Ethan musters quietly after some time.

"I know." It is all that Emma could think to respond, she deserves the opportunity, she had put herself out there.

"That's not what I mean," Ethan stares down at the stack of notes and files that they are reviewing.

"You did...good. You are just lucky that Ron didn't report you. You could have gotten into a lot of trouble for what you did. I know if it had been me...Well, it would be an entirely different story."

Emma wants to re-assure Ethan that that would not have been the case, that Ron would have appreciated the information from anyone however, deep down she wonders if Ethan is right, so she just kept her mouth shut and shakes her head. Not so much as an act of agreement but one of resolve. There was nothing more to be said on the topic and nothing to do to that would change the situation.

She had been lucky, however it did not mean that she would still skirt tail any repercussions for her actions, she would just have to wait and see.

Emma pushed the image of a sodden Ethan from her mind and brought her mind back to the present. Summoning all the confidence she can she walks out into the hall where Ron is waiting. He gives her a stiff smile and both walk into the office.


Ron felt guilty. He had to cancel the dinner plans he had with his wife - again. As always she had been understanding even though he could hear the disappointment in her voice. Ron counted how lucky he was to have the perfect match in his life.

As an impromptu apology he had taken the time between meetings to send her a bouquet of flowers. Thirteen Calla lilies, her favorite.

When they had gotten married, some twenty odd years ago, he remembered they had been what she had wanted however the florist had told her they were not in season. Now they were his go to flower, which was evident when he had called to place the order. The woman on the receiving end of the phone knew exactly what he wanted once he gave her his name. After placing the order he questioned whether he had turned the thoughtful gesture into something common.

"Spa day."

"What?" Ron turned. Emma had been standing behind him, startled for a second, before he realized that she obviously been listening to his conversation.

"My dad gets one for my mom. She loves it. Never gets tired of them."

"Thanks, I'll have to remember that." Ron thought of reprimanding her for eavesdropping and pushes it down. Giving her shit would only make him feel older then he already did.

Both were tired, Ron could see it in the way Emma carries herself. The meetings had dragged on longer then either could have anticipated.

The meeting in Whitby was standard, similar to those that Ron had sat through countless times before.

The meetings for Toronto and Burlington had amalgamated ; when they arrived Ron thought it gave new meaning to the phrase 'three ringed circus'. Each Chief had shown up with an entourage. Toronto bringing eight and Burlington six, introductions had been made around the table. Ron had difficulty keeping track of who was who. After a while he realized that he would not have to remember half of them after today's meeting.

Emma sits a few seats to his left and he watches as she furiously jots down notes. He did not bother, with the stenographer sitting in the back of the room but if this was her method, who was he to intervene?

Ron recognizes one or two faces from the scene in Burlington. He curtly nods to the well groomed man in the suit who returns the gesture. Very little was actually required of Ron and Emma, who sat there mainly as spectators as the evidence was presented and the members of various precincts discussed. From time to time, they were called upon to elaborate or clarify on something. Once the notion of Jack the Ripper was presented for the most part a general understanding was held by everyone in the room.

Ron realized it had taken a substantial amount of political maneuvering at this point but he and Emma kept the case. They had been assigned detectives from Toronto and Burlington to liaise with. After everyone had cleared out, Ron made sure he threw his weight around so they knew who was in charge. The other detectives had accepted it, most likely as this was a case that stood the strong probability of burying a career.

With only a vague idea of who potentially could be next and where, it was going to be a rough three weeks.

A/N: Sorry for the slower chapter - it is a longer chapter that I put into two sections to break up a little bit as it is a longer one - it was a necessity to push things along. Things will go faster from here. Thank you for your patience and if you are enjoying the story so far do not forget to vote, comment and share.

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