2 - poof!

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three years later.

bakugo was now nineteen years old, he had no cares in the world. he had become the strongest man in their entire village, no, the entire kingdom. he was their top beast-slayer, and he had began to kill the beasts without hesitation.


"heyyy! bakugo!" kaminari called out to the spiky haired blond as he walked through the doors of the bakery.

"hey," bakugo replied as he approached the counter.

"i heard they're having a beast auction soon," he said as he prepared bakugo a breakfast sandwich, he already knew what he'd order, he ordered it every morning.

"yeah, and?" he replied. since bakugo was turning twenty soon everyone around him was pressuring him into getting his own beast. twenty was the age when beast-slayers began longer journeys, cross country, which is why it was also the age when beast-slayers usually got their own beasts.

"ya know," the baker said, as he finished up making the sandwich. "don't you want one?" he asked.

"hm," he hummed, "not really," he lied. i already have kirishima, he thought as kaminari wrapped up his sandwich and handed it over to bakugo. bakugo handed the other boy what he owed then he began to leave.

"bye!" denki chimed as the boy left. bakugo waved a hand towards him without looking back. he headed over to the fruit market near his house, buying fresh orange juice. then he headed home, walking in and placing his breakfast onto the counter.

"aww, bakugo, you didn't get me anything," camie whined as she walked into the kitchen, in the nude.

"camie!" bakugo exclaimed, averting his eyes up to the ceiling. "go get some fucking clothes on!" he demanded.

"you're a prude!" she teased, sticking her tongue out at him. then she walked out, heading upstairs to his mother's room for clothes. bakugo sat down and enjoyed his breakfast as he listened to the sounds of ruckus upstairs. he let out a small laugh, then took a drink from his orange juice. "dumb cat,"


a few hours later.

knights visited his home with a message from the king. it was a request for breakfast the next morning, he wanted to discuss an assignment. the knight handed bakugo a scroll which contained the assignment they'd discuss.


that night.

kirishima crawled through bakugos open window. bakugo was sat up, reading over the scroll, over and over, trying to decide what to do. kirishima laid next to the bed, in the past three years, kirishima had doubled in size. no longer fitting onto the bed. the dragon rested its head in bakugos lap. "hi," bakugo said plainly. kirishima nudged the scroll, wondering what it was that had bakugo so focused. "oh, this is just a scroll the king sent me," he said, the dragon sniffed the paper a few times then looked up at bakugo. "it's an assignment," he said. "he wants me to take his daughter into the neighboring kingdom, by foot," he said, "he says that he's going to have a decoy princess travel there by carriage, and that he wants me to take the real princess through the cities and the forest on foot, without being tracked," he went on. kirishima laid his head back onto bakugos lap. "its going to be a long journey," he said, "i'd be gone for a long while, girl," bakugo had assumed kirishima was a female dragon for all these years for no reason other than how much he resembled his mother. "i wouldn't be able to bring you with," he said. the dragon perked its head up, huffing steam towards him. "what?" he asked almost rhetorically, knowing kirishima was upset by his words. "i kind of have to go, kiri," he said, waving the scroll in the dragons face. "kings orders," he mocked. kirishima grabbed onto the scroll with his teeth, pulling on it. "stop that, shitty scales!" bakugo pulled onto the scroll as well. the red dragon snarled playfully, pulling back on the scroll some more. "you dumb girl, let go!" he said, so kirishima obeyed, letting go suddenly and causing bakugo to pull it back, hitting his own face. "ah!" he yelped, then he furrowed his eyebrows and glared at the dragon. "i'm going to kill you," he said. he jumped at the dragon, gripping his horns, "i'm ripping these off!" he yelled. kirishima jumped up, standing up and stretching his neck up so that bakugo was dangling from his horns. he shook his head once, hard enough to drop bakugo onto the bed. bakugo landed with an "oof," then he narrowed his eyes at the dragon which was hovering over him, "you win this round, lizard," he said. kirishima plopped his head onto bakugos stomach, "gah! you're too heavy!" bakugo protested, trying to move from beneath the dragons head, failing miserably. kirishima began to wag his tail, "oh, so you like watching me suffer?" he said, flicking the dragon on his snout, "ya fuckin sadist," he said. he shut his eyes, prepared to sleep with the dragons heavy head on his bare stomach. "well, goodnight," he said, "and since you disappear every morning, and i'll be leaving tomorrow, i guess this is also goodbye," he said, petting the dragons head. "goodnight and goodbye," he said, then in the blink of an eye he felt the weight of the dragons head disappear, along with a loud poof-ing noise. his eyes shot open to the sight of clouds of red smoke.

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