4 - finding kirishima

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bakugo and camie had made their way to the edge of the forest. he stood in the same spot where he found himself three years ago. feeling as though he'd hear that low rumble of a dragon any moment, he shook his head, shaking off the memories. bakugo wasn't one to reminisce, he hated thinking about his problems. so he didn't. he pulled out camie's clothes, knowing she'd want to shift as soon as they got into the forest. he draped the cloth over his shoulder and made his way into the forest. once he was completely out of view from the outside world, camie hopped off of his shoulder, shifted and dressed herself. "so, you really know how to use that thing?" she asked, referring to the searching stone.

"it worked back at the shop, so yeah," he said simply watching as camie hopped up onto a tree branch. "i'm pretty sure i'm gonna have to close my eyes and walk to make this work-" camie immediately let out a laugh, then covered her mouth. "what?!" he barked.

"nothing- i just-" she laughed a bit more, "nothing, nothing, i'll help you walk with your eyes closed," she said, waving a hand towards him, gesturing for him to go on.

"if you mess around i'll kill you," he growled before huffing and shutting his eyes. he focused on the thought of kirishima, which wasn't hard, ever since he saw kirishima's human form he couldn't get the boy's face out of his mind. the stone's temperature began to slowly rise, then it stopped, it was mildly warm. he couldn't see any foggy auras, frustrated, he opened his eyes. "what the fuck, it's not working,"

"you literally closed your eyes for like three seconds," she said amusedly.

"shut up," he replied because she was probably right, he needed to focus for a while longer. he shut his eyes once again, thinking of kirishima. the image of kirishima's piercing blood red eyes came to his mind, and he instantaneously felt a warm and fuzzy feeling wash over him. his skin seemed to heat up and buzz as he felt himself being pulled towards the west. he took a step forward. "you better keep me from falling, cat," he began to walk forward at a normal pace, trusting camie would stop him if he were in trouble. he heard branches rustling and assumed camie was climbing through the trees over him.

"you're gonna bump a tree! move a little to the left," she said, so he did, and he tripped.


he fell face first into a mud puddle. camie began to laugh hysterically as bakugo scrambled up to his feet. he wiped his eyes clean of mud, and looked at where he had fallen. she had just purposely made him walk towards and trip over a tree root. he had scraped his hands.

"OW! YOU STUPID FUCK!" he yelled, picking up some mud and chucking it towards her. she meowed loudly as she dodged the mud. he wiped off his hands, the left one was fine, the right one was scraped and bleeding a bit. he ripped apart of his bag off and wrapped it around his hand. she began to laugh even harder as bakugo wiped the mud off of his face and clothes. then she lost balance and fell out of the tree, landing on her feet with an 'oof'. then she looked up at bakugo and began to laugh uncontrollably once again. "SHUT THE FUCK UP, DUMB CAT," he barked, then lunged at her. she yelped and jumped up onto a branch but he got ahold of her leg. "c'mon! i can't be the only one walking around covered in mud!" he snapped, pulling her down and wrapping his arms tightly around her.

"NO! no! no! wait! i was joking! i mean-" she yelped, "it was a mistake! i didn't mean to!" BAKUGO!" she was half-laughing and half-pleading as she begged bakugo to let her go. then just before he pushed her into the mud, she shifted into her beast form, dashing up the nearest tree.

"agh!" he growled, then looked at the clothing in his hand then at the mud puddle. "you'll have to put this on eventually," he narrowed his eyes at her and dropped the clothes into the mud puddle. she shifted back into her human form.

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