3 - have you seen my dragon?

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bakugo and camie both stepped out of the house, camie began to walk towards the forest. "hey dummy," bakugo called out.

"eh?" she pivoted to face him.

"we have to head into town first," he informed the she-cat, gesturing in the opposite direction of which she was walking.

"whaaat? noo," she complained, "whyy?" she whined.

"do you know how to track a dragon?!" he snapped, "lets go," he began walking towards the village.

"i can sniff 'em out!" she lied, "bakugoo!" she whined. she hated going into town, it meant she had to stay in her complete-beast form. she groaned before shifting into her cat-beast form. she grabbed her himation cloak, her dress, with her teeth and flew up onto bakugos shoulder, draping her himation cloak onto his shoulder. he took the clothing and folded it, shoving it into his bag.

they made their way into the town, people greeted bakugo upon entering the villages street market. he lazily returned their greetings then made his way to the place he always went when he was having trouble. it was a small locally owned magik shop, owned by a family of mages. the strongest mage in their entire kingdom owned the shop, but he was never there, his son ran the shop in his absence.


a small bell rang above their heads as they entered the magik shop. "hi," the clerk at the front desk greeted them. the clerks name was kendo and she simply dealt with purchases.

"hi," bakugo replied as he approached the counter, "is shinso around?" he asked.

"he just left, but he said he'd be back shortly," the clerk responded.

"oh, well is ibara here?"

"i am," ibara replied as she walked into the room. she smiled softly, "i knew i felt a rugged aura walk in here," she teased. her voice was smooth, always calm and collected. she'd probably be rich if she decided to take up asmr.

"that's me," bakugo replied, "the terribly rugged aura," he took camie off of his shoulder and placed her onto the counter.

"and who's this sweet creature," she cooed as she walked over to camie. camie scrunched her nose up slightly, she wasn't a fan of strangers, but the moment ibara placed her hand on camie's head she relaxed. "oh wow," she whispered. "you have a beautiful vibration coming from you," she spoke to the cat-beast. "a free and soft spirit," she said as she pet camie.

"ibara," bakugo said to redirect her attention onto him. she looked up at him.


"i need a favor," he said. he ran a hand through his hair then placed that hand onto the back of his neck, sheepishly.

"anything for my third favorite person," she teased then took her hand off of camie and outstretched it, asking for his hand. he hesitantly reached his hand out, placing it into hers.

"third, huh? i'm pretty sure that last time we spoke i was second," he said. she let out a small laugh then gestured over to camie with her free hand.

"things change," she joked referring to the she-cat then she shut her eyes as she rubbed the pad of her thumb over his hand. she hummed for a moment. bakugo was used to how obscure ibara was, she was overtly spiritual but he enjoyed her presence. her relaxed nature always seemed to help relax bakugo. "you're temperature is high, in a stress related manor," she said, "your aura feels very heavy,"

"right, i-"

"you're worried,"

"i am-"

"about someone you love,"

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