How to name your story.

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Dedicated to mahreen97

Okay so first thing's first. You need a story. Once you know what your story will be about it's quite easy choosing a name from there.

• First look at the genre of your story. If you know the genre you will know which category you can use.

•Second look at the character's names. If you have a very uncommon name it sometimes makes the story sound more interesting. (My own opinion but some may differ.)

•Third go into depth of the happenings in the story. Look at the cause for some of the problems or the most important happenings in your story.

Eg. Your character gets married. Look at the story before the marriage. We're they happy, angry or was the wedding arranged?

•It is also not necessary to have a short name. You can have a long one because there are so many sentences or words you can use to make the name more original.

•Once you're done write down a couple of names for the story and then use the one you like the most.

I differ because I think of a name and write my story according to the name but if you still struggle PM me and give me a quick summary of the story. I'd love to help.



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