chp 3 Help (me)

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Mangles POV

"Well what should I do with it?" I asked springtrap.

"You need the key to open the door to the room, it would be easier to get me out of here."


I climbed back into the vents and searched for the door that read room 16. The door was looked

"Ah-ha, found it!"

I went down the stares and found the door. I fidgeted in the key and forcefully opened the door.The door was jammed at first so i had to push into it with my shoulder. i slightly fell forward as i pushed the door open.

"Got it!" I shouted as i stumbled forward.

"Good now help me get out of here "

I carefully followed springtraps instructions. It was a long process and after an hour springtrap was able to move again.

"Steady" I said cautiously and grabbed his arm to help him up a bit.

"I'm fine, I dont need your help to walk" Springtrap got up and his knees buckled. He collapsed. I bent down to help him get up again but he shrugged me off.

"I can do this by myself " he said and got back up.

"I was only trying to help..." I stayed off by the side.

Springtrap grunted and stood up more confident. Then he took a few steps to the door. He fell yet again.

"Fine... I might need some help" he sighed in defeat.

I thought about not helping springtrap for being a dick but I decided against that. He's not THAT bad. (Fucking asshole)

"Thought so." I gave him a smirk and helped him up.

I walked springtrap out of the room and into the hall way.

"Uhm so where are you going to stay at? You can't be shown to the people nor the other animatronics. "

" Could I stay in the parts and service room?" Asked springtrap

"Maybe, but you'd have to hide in the spare closet."

"Take me there. We'll talk more tonight"

We quietly ( well expect for springtrap because his gears are so god damn noisy) walked over to the parts and service room, I hope no one saw a big rotting bunny walking around the diner with me.

"So are you going to be okay here?" I asked and looked around the area to check if the coast was clear.

"Yeah, just come back tomorrow night."

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