chp 10

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                       Mangled POV

I turn around the corner and see springtrap with his mouth full of pizza,  when he sees me he stands up straight and moves on

"I thought you were someone else"He says as he walks down the hall.

"What are you doing out here so late?" I question. You'd think he would be sleeping, he sleeps a lot.

"I was just getting a snack" Springtrap stops to look at me. He signals to the pizza in his right hand.

"Withered Chica will kill you if she sees you with her-" withered chica comes walking down, she sees springtrap with her pizza. Uh-oh- that's not good.

"IS THAT MY PIZZA!?" She squealed.

"You mean this pizza?" He shows off the pizza in front of withered chicas face.


She moves forward to springtrap,  shes ready to pounce and attack him.

"Springtrap this way! To my hide out" I grab his left hand and run as fast as I can with him. I know a great place to hide. I lead him to a small crawl place. It has a peices cardboard blocking the entrance.

I kick the cardboard out of the way and lead springtrap into the crawl space. We go out of the other side to the cold outside world.

"I think we lost her" I say out of breathe.

"Yeah" springtrap pants.

We take a minute to catch our breathe.

"That's why you don't take her pizza springtrap!"

"I was starving, I had to eat something." He rolls his eyes.

"You're off the hook this time"

I look up at the stars through a hole in the cloth. Then I look at springtrap, he notices that we are outside.

"What is this place anyways?" He looks around. He grabs a picture I have on an old wooden desk.

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