chp 8 Flee

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Springtraps POV

I go back in the closet. I really hate being in this stupid cramped room. I try my best to get comfortable,shifting around and moving some cleaner supplies out of the way. I can't wait to leave this pizza dump. I haven't told mangle about my plans yet, I'm not sure when to tell her. I lay back and try to get some rest after working on mangle all day. I'm quite happy on how she turned out.

Saturday 12 am

I finally wake up with an ache on my neck, it hurts like hell. I try to ease it by massaging it but it doesn't work. I groan and get out of the closet. I feel like shit since I didn't get much rest, not to mention there's little room 8n the fuckibg closet.

I let out a big yawn and head out to mangles place.

I stand at her doorway and knock on the wall with my finger.
"Knock knock, beautiful."
She's sitting on a stool combing her new fur with a plastic fork. I guess that's the only thing she got out of this dump. I'd hate having to be with kids all of the damn time.

I see her wave her arms in the air to get my attention, I guess I dozed off again.

"So, how are you doing" I ask and sit down at a little stage she has in the corner.

When I sat down the wood makes a big creaking noise.I see Mangle trying to hold in her laugh but she fails and let's out a giggle. I'll have to fix her stage too.

"I'm doing great, my body feels so much better when I get up and it's not hard to get around anymore, thanks to you." She gives me a big smile, a beautiful smile.

"That's good" I say.
We stay quiet for a while. I pick at the peices of wood that's tearing from the stage. I then look over at mangle and she's looking down, looks like she's zoned out.

"Something wrong?" I ask.

She blinks her eyes a few times before answering "No no, I just zoned out, that's all"

"Okay" I brush it off.
She's probably lying but I'll just leave her alone.

It's silent once again. Just before I make the action of getting up she says something.

"What are you going to do now that I'm fixed?" She has a worried look on her face.

"Uhm well, after I'm done being here I was planning to leave this place."

She looks down and frowns.

"Where are you going to hide? what about the humans?" She floods me with questions.

"I have my ways, don't worry about it" I reply.

"Are you leaving soon?.."

"Yeah, I kinda have to, I don't want them to find me here"

Her ears go up, she must be wondering who's trying to find me. I bet she's going to ask right-

"Who's trying to find you?" She's ask. Her eyes searching for answers as she looks at me.

"People from the old location" I simply say.

She thinks for a second, and then shoots another question. She can get annoying with all her questions.

"Well what's gonna do you any good if you go out there? They are sure to find you." She huffs.

I instantly reply back. "No, like I said I have my ways, now stop asking questions" I sounded more harsh then I attended.

"Sorry" I apologies after a minute of silence.

"It's okay. I just want to know that you'll be alright, I know I ask a lot of questions, I'm kinda annoying" She looks down, kinda sad.

"You're definitely right" I shrug her shoulder and let out a chuckle, trying to lighten the mood.

She grins for a second but then it goes flat again. He eyes looking blankly at the floor.

"You're not that annoying" I say after I see she's still upset. Ugh I always fuck things up.

She looks at me and half grins.

I'm sorry. It's my fault that you cant be happy. It's his fault.

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