chp 7 Brand new!

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Sunday 1 am

After a couple of hours of sleep, I went to parts and service room to meet up with springtrap. Surprisingly he was already up. Hes looking at some blue prints from my old body. I peek over from behind him.

"Hey sweetheart" he circles some areas on the blueprints with a pencil.

Sweetheart? EEEKK. I try my best not show my excitement.

Play it cool mangle

"Hey" I smile. "Those are my blueprints?" I look curiously over his shoulder.

"Yep" He gets up and grabs some parts off the table. "I scavenged for some parts around the diner, so I could use them for you."

"Oh, did anyone ask what you were doing?" I'm pretty sure one of the animatronics must've seen him lurking around.

"Yeah, the fox asked what I was up too, I told him I was looking for parts to fix you, and then he gave me a dirty look." He smiles.

"He has a name you know" I lightly punch his shoulder as a tease.

"Im sure he's jealous that I'm fixing you." He chuckles.

"Yeah right!" I shrug his arm.

"I mean I don't really care if he is or not, I'm just trying to help you out in return."

"Yeah" I smile. "Thank you for doing this for me"

"Dont thank me,, I'm just returning the favor." He puts on a welding mask.

I'm kinda concerned about him fixing me, I have no idea if he has any experience- I guess he knows what he's doing right?

He looks at the expression on my face
I probably look petrified.

"Don't worry your little face off, I'm great at fixing stuff and whatever, don't worry." He smiles with a pair of cutting pliers in his hand.

"Heh" I gulp.

"Okay, well I'm ready for your "operation" my lady, I'll need you to lay down on the table." He instructs.

I first let him clear off the table and then lay down. I look next to myself and there's a little platter with some tools and then there's a bucket full of bolts.

"Okay, I'm going to deactivate you, and once I'm done I'll wake you up."
I nod. I'm really nervous about this, I've never had a robot fix me. Usually the pizzeria hired a guy the do the job.

"Springtrap, do you think it's necessary to fix me?"

"No and yes, I think you're fine just the way you are, but loosing all these extra limbs and stuff would make it easier for you to get around."

I smile. I'm glad he thinks I'm fine just the way I am, even though I look like I got ran over by a semi truck then reassemble by 7 year olds. Which, really happened lolololol.

"I'm ready." I take a deep breath in. And the next thing I know, I'm out.

Friday 4am

It felt like I was gone for one second. I flutter my eyes open and see a bright light over me but soon the light is blocked by springtraps head.

"Mangle are you awake" He pokes at my cheek.

"Yeah" I rub my eyes and slowly get up. The first thing that I notice is that I can see through my eye that used to not work.

"Wow, my vision is so much better" I look down at my complete body. "I look fabulous!" I slide off the table. My legs were a bit weak at first but I managed. I twirled around. "I feel great!"

"That's good" springtrap leans against the table as he watches me in my new body. "You look outstanding." He grins.

I look over at him and leap towards him "thank you so much, I wouldn't have this body again if it wasn't for you!"

"No problem, oh I almost forgot." Springtrap grabbed something from under the table. It was a foxy puppet just like the one I had before. I gasp. Thinking to myself how but it didn't matter, everything was more than I could ever ask for.

"Oh springtrap I can't believe it, you remembered him!" He hands me the puppet and I slide it onto my hand and move the mouth around.

"Thank you so much !!" I make the puppet kiss springtrap on the cheek, and I giggle. "I absolutely love it" I study the puppet. "It's just like before." I slighty frown but smile again, I feel like my old slef again.

"Yeah, I tried to replicate everything just like how it was before, maybe now the kids will come and visit you, but they better not break you again, I swear I'll KILL those kids." He growls.

"I'm sure the kids have changed- let's just give it a try."

"Kill" is a stronge word, but that's springtrap for you.

"Mhm, let's get some rest, I'll see you tonight."

"Alright" Springtrap leads me out.
I really am glad he was willing to fix me.

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