.ii welcome.

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It's Christmas morning.

No, not entirely. But it is Master Draco Malfoy's twentieth birthday.

Every single abused to hell and back elf in this household knows what this means. Master's present will arrive. They don't know what it is. But they know that Master doesn't like it when others touch his things or even so much as look at them. Especially when they are shiny and new.

Every elf was quaking in his and her dirty rug for clothes.

What could his present be?

Why is Master showing so much emotion over this new thing that they heard was to be shipped from Romania? Could it be a dragon? A dragon that Master would make set fire over all of them just for laughs? Or if not, perhaps something far more sinister perhaps?

The worry in their tiny hearts grew stronger as the sun rose higher in the sky.

Master is getting impatient.

No one likes it when Master gets impatient. He makes them all lie on the floor on a straight line and he will run over all of them in his special rolling chair. He likes it when they cry. He likes it when none of them dares to say 'stop'. And if one of them dares, he or she will have the worst of it.

Master loves pain.

Master loves torture.

Master loves no one but himself.

All the house elves are lined up in front of the huge bolted doors, waiting patiently for the gate to open and the carriage carrying the present to arrive. They can feel Master's icy cold stare from his bedroom window, they can feel his agitation.

A loud scream of frustration could be heard any moment now.

And none of them is looking forward to it.

They all clutched at their rugs and wished for the best. That the present will just arrive. That it will arrive as Master likes it.

What's taking so long?

Finally, after only but one house elf was left standing in front of the door, as all the others were subjected to various forms of abuse, the heavily armored black carriage finally arrived. The pipsqueak eyes of the final house elf looked upon the carriage door as it finally opened.

It all made sense to the little elf as to why the present took as much time as it had.

The present was wearing a red dress with a bow, it looks new but was dragged at places, like she was forced to wear it. Indeed she was, for there are two Death Eaters wearing masks, prodding her back with painful magic just so she would walk on even though her bare feet had all sorts of wounds on them.

She was blindfolded, her hands tied behind her back, gagged but still kicking and fighting with every ounce of power she had.

Mistress Narcissa Malfoy was wearing a veil but still covered her mouth with a lace handkerchief, not wanting to get even an inch close to the thrashing, wild creature. Gloved hands grasped her emerald robes. Much nicer than the one she wore yesterday. She always wore the nicest things when she's visiting Master.

Indeed the present looked like a handful. Well, more than a handful, almost like an armful. An armful of two grown men. Judging from her wild hair and bronze skin and muffled threats, she-- unlike anyone in the house-- will not do as the Master says.

She had not been in the house for longer than a minute and already she broke Master's lineage tapestry, an ancestor painting and a whole porcelain collection.

The house elf was caught up in the ruckus, until finally the present managed to get free from her bonds, spat out her gag and remove the blindfold from her eyes.

She looked at them. She looked at all of them. Held all of their gazes with the wildfire in her eyes.

"You are all ashes."

The house elf knew then and there that the coming of the present will be the death of all of them.


And awaaaaaaay we go. Read this one in Rick Sanchez's voice it will be better. So excited on where this story is going to take us but also very scared cause it's going to be a horror train ride in a haunted mansion.

Song up top is 'Phantom of the Opera' by Prague Cello Quartet. Check out the cinematography on their video, guys! These guys dont fuck around, they are the real deal. Anyways, I just thought that the whole Phantom score especially this one is powerful but at the same time haunting, all that I'm aiming for. :)

Dedicated to the beautiful  for standing by me.

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