.viii home.

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Hermione is finally home.

Upon opening her eyes, she saw the welcoming Gryffindor drapes that hang in her four post bed. That winning red and gold. The color of champions. The color of her house. Her home of six years. She hugged her pillow, the very same one that her mother had helped her pick. The ones in Hogwarts are too dusty, this one is chamomile scented and helped her sleep faster. The chamomile scent has long since faded but it lingered. Something is nagging at the back of Hermione's mind but she chose to ignore it because she's finally back!

She threw off the red duvet that matched the color of her beddings, all the color of her house. Her eyes scanned the walls, the wardrobe, her bookshelf, her chest! Every single thing was there.

She opened her wardrobe and put on clothes. Her Hogwarts uniform. It seemed a little baggy but tight in some places but it'll do. Perhaps the elves have shrunk it in the wash. Wait until she tells Ron and Harry! She can already hear them laughing at her expense.

Harry will probably say something cheeky and then cover his mouth while he laughs.

Ron will tease her and tease her until she turns red. He will have to kiss her to make up for it.

Yes, they will have lunch together by the lake. Maybe Luna, Neville and Ginny can join them too!

Yes, this will be a really great--

Hermione saw her face in the mirror. The bleeding lips, the dried up blood, the matted hair, the bloodshot eyes, the pale complexion, the telltale lines of worry. That is not the face of a seventeen year old about to head to class.

Terrible dread started bubbling from deep inside her.


The nagging voice became louder from the back of her head.


She was alone in the room. No roommates. She looked out the window and saw no Whomping Willow. Instead, there was a graveyard. Nothing but gray tombstone and stone statues.

Hermione was crushed. She's nothing but crumpled parchment and broken dreams.

There's no more Harry. There's no more Ron. There's no more hope.

She felt herself crumbling down the carpeted floor, the very same one that she had in the dorms. She hugged herself but couldn't somehow couldn't get warm enough.

I just want to go home.

I just want to go home.

I just want to go home.

Tears spilled from her eyes and then down her cheeks, they were warm against her still freezing skin. She sobbed, lungs and chest heaving, trying to keep the noise as minimal as she can. Who would give the monster the satisfaction of hearing her cry?

She didn't manage to run away from the monster for three years just to end up as his toy for all eternity. No, she didn't. She didn't fought dragons and trolls for black market entertainment for her to end up her with a bigger monster. No, she most certainly didn't.

She's going to destroy him.

And in order to destroy him, she'll have to give the monster the illusion that she's already broken.

They're about to play a game. They have been dealt with opposing cards, he had played this game for far too long thinking that he'll win-- that he'll get her. That was then. This time she'll arrange her cards and this time he won't see them.

She realized that she has no choice-- when did she ever-- but to start now for there are bells ringing and a pair of big, worried eyes peering at her from under her bed.
Aye, papi! So, really grateful for all of you guys putting this one in your reading list and I'm really grateful of you for giving us the time of day but I'd really hope that y'all will leave a comment, anything, anything at all just so I'll know that this isn't a wattpad glitch. Thanks! I really need the feedback.

Song up top is 'No Place Like Home' by Todrick Hall. She's a queen and she's whipping out bop after bop like it aint no one's goddamn business and this a one of my faves.

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