.iv supreme.

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"Avada Kedavra."

Draco pointed the elder wand, his wand, at Vincent Crabbe. The result was instantaneous, of course, the hulk of meat simpleton fell on the floor just like that.

He was a wall blocking the view anyway.

The view being her. His present.

A laugh was starting to bubble in his throat. She's finally his. She gave one hell of a run but it was only a matter of time afterall. Fleeing is futile. She's his the moment she dared curse him with a spell that binds them.

And this time she won't be able to run.

And this time he won't be tricked again.

And this time she'll only escape over his dead body.

Not like he could still be killed.

The time has gone for so many things, so many chances. Like her chance at saving the world and him at fucking her with a cigarette on his mouth while she begged him to stop and called for the Weasel. The Weasel is dead as fuck and he is as impotent as he is powerful.

The red strap on her left shoulder was slipping. Slowly and slowly against her bare arms, the lace caressing the small galaxies on her skin went lower.

Without even the aid of his wand he made the strap on her right shoulder move an inch lower too. Her delicate collar bones are exposed, fragile neck bared and if he moved the center part of the dress, her breasts will surely pop out. Maybe he'll do just that. Don't want anyone to feel left out in this whole ordeal.

Hermione Granger, professional know-it-all, bookworm and egghead extraordinaire is passed out cold while strapped to a chair in front of him wearing nothing but a slut's rug. Of course, she's going to kill him after she wakes up. Oh, let her try.

He's already laughing at her future attempts. Maybe that's why he had had her caught and bought-- for entertainment. It had been dreadfully boring lately.

Being the new supreme and all.

The supreme.

The one. The only. The almighty.

Hailed and feared by all of the wizarding world and soon by muggles too. Only a matter of time. He's going to have everything, all in due time. He's in no hurry. How could he be when he could live forever?

Yes, all in due time even his revenge on her.

Hermione Granger is not innocent. From the wild frizz of her chocolate brown hair to the spots of sunshine on her bronze colored skin, it was all a mirage, a mirage to beguile him and trick him into this... this abomination and... She still smells the same. Like burnt sugar and sunshine. Like dead butterflies and crushed lilies. And flowers pressed on the center of library books.

He wondered if he had her again will she still sound the same.

When will she wake up?

But then again patience has never been his best trait.

With a fling of his wand, Crabbe's body flung out of his way without a sound. He rolled to the spot nearest to the chair where she was held with both magic and physical binds.

She's disgusting. Who the fuck is she to make him feel like this? She's scum.

Fingers grasped at both of the rails of her chair, his nails scratched at the surface of the wood like he was trying hard to fight it. He'd have her once and he's about to have her again. Over and over again and then when he's done he'd kill her. Toss her out to the wolves. Without a trace.

But for now he'll have his fun. He pressed his lips against her jaw, sucking on her skin, savoring the sweetness of the soft flesh as his hands tugged on her hair. He traced her neck with his tongue, her unresponsiveness was convenient but annoying. He needs her reaction, he needs her fire.

A twitch of her lips and a soft moan.

Already the blood was rushing from his head to his stomach.

The last time he felt like this was the last time he saw her.

The first and last time he touched her.

Held her.

Kissed her.

Had her.

The time that he made a mistake and she managed to curse him.

It was the last time he walked.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------YOOOOOOOOO! We're back at it again! Sorry for the long delay loved ones but I never could touch my laptop because I don't have one as of the moment and apparently it's a thing where you can only add pics and audios to your stories when you're updating via pc. Well, friggy damn. You know yo girl is all about that multimedia. 

Also, 'cause Yours in Mayhem ranked #1 in emmawatson fics! WHAT?!

Song up top is 'Bad and Boujee' by Migo ft. Lil Uzi 'cause that's what describes Drakie in this fic so baddddd.

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