.ix mistress.

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Pip shouldn't watch Master eat. Pip would die if Master caught Pip. But Pip has never seen Master eat at the dining table before. He usually eats in his study or he doesn't eat at all. Master doesn't need to eat because Master is immortal.

But here Master is in the dining table at the head of it with the present on his left side. The first part of the meal was almost finished! It was a miracle of miracles!

Mistress Hermione is not eating.

Pip led Mistress to the dining room as soon as Pip heard the bells. Pip can hear those bells anywhere in the house anytime of the day even if Pip is sleeping, Pip will immediately know what the Master wants. Those bells are magic.

Mistress Hermione wore old school robes from the closet in the forbidden room. Her eyes are glassy, her complexion pale, sticky blood still clung to her hair in clumps. Pip should not think it but Pip will think it anyway. Master's present looks defeated, gone was the fire in her when she first stepped into the mansion.

Master might have destroyed her.

And yet...

Pip has never seen Master stare at someone for so long. Master doesn't look at people anymore, mostly because they don't look at him. They can't look at him. If you look too long at Master-- Master might be the last you see.

"You are not eating, mudblood."

Mistress Hermione didn't respond but looked at Master in the eye. It was not defiant or questioning. It was a ghost stare even Pip can tell, Mistress was as blank as a white canvas. Mistress may look at Master but Mistress is not really seeing him.

But then Mistress started coughing.

Pip rushed into the scene with a towel in hand, jumping into Mistress side just so Mistress won't be inconvenienced by coughing up her own blood.


"Mistress is hurt! What can Pip do?" Pip stammered nervously. Pip has forgotten that Master was just behind Pip as Pip tried to reach out to wipe blood on Mistress chin, therefore Pip got a mighty blow to the back of the head.

"You forget yourself, Elf. Go back to your place at the kitchen!"

Pip bowed and ran out the door but not before looking back and watching Master cast a look at Mistress, a look that could be interpreted as something akin to concern. Growing concern.

It was all very odd indeed but that is none of Pip's business.
Yeet! So, we are now past 1k! Wooo! Thank you so much, guys! Please do comment, just engage with us any pip, squeak, anything will do! ( get it? Get it? Haha)

Song up top is 'Be Our Guest'. Yall already know that we will dropping Beauty and the Beast beats cause dramione is a trope derived from this.

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