New mew mew

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I heard a scream. From somewhere. I just needed to find it. But what could I do? I don't know why but I had a weird feeling like I could help.

I ran toward where I thought the scream originated from. I found it. I saw five girls. All in different colors. And one of them was on the ground, not moving. It was the green one.

'Lettuce?! Are you okay?!' The pink girl ran up to her. The green girl did not answer.

'Lettuce please! Get up, please!' She cried.

I looked toward the sound of a big bang. I saw a huge lizard like creature. And it was attacking the other girls.

'Ribbon! Zakuro spear!' The purple one shouted and summoned a weird weapon of some sort.

'Wait! Zakuro no!' The blue girl shouted at her. But it was to late. The monster had hit her down. And she did not get up after that. Okay. That did it. I had to help.

I felt a weird tingling feeling in me. And suddenly, all I saw was a red light.

'Mew Mew Power, Metamore-phases!' I yelled the words not knowing why. I started... Transforming. Soon all the lights stopped. I looked at my self. I looked exactly like the pick girl exept I had red hair, a red costume and the bottom of the costume was like a rose. I just then realized that my name was really weird. My name was Power. What kind of name was that?

'Hey, who is she?' The little yellow one pointed to me.

The pink girl and the blue girl immediatly looked the way the yellow own was pointing to.

'Yeah, who are you?' I heard a voice from behind me. I tried to turn around, but I was lifted off the ground and into the air. I screamed.

'Hey Ichigo, I never knew you had a twin that could acctually be cuter than you are!' The voice said. I looked up and saw a green haired boy. He looked down also and smiled a me.

'I wonder if she is as good a kisser as you, Ichigo. Let's try!' He said.

'Wait what?!' I said before feeling his warm lips on mine. I started to kiss back, but I realized what he was doing. I pushed him away. His grip loosened on me. I broke out and started falling. But before I hit the ground, I felt someone catch me. I looked up.

'Your okay now.' The blonde boy said to me. He set me down.

'You know what to do.' He told me then ran away.

'Wait! What do you mean?' I called after him.

'Your quite a good kisser.' I heard the boys voice from behind me. I felt his hand around my stomach.

'Noooooo!' I shouted.

'Hey Kisshu, let her go!' Ichigo sounded from behind us. I felt Kisshu's hands leave me. I ran forward and looked back. Ichigo was yelling at him.

'Hey girl?! Will you fight this predisite with us?' The blue girl flew over to me.

My eyes glew red. 'Red blast strike!' I shouted and shot a huge red energy ball at the predisite, not even needing a weapon. The predisite separated from a lizard and a gellyfish looking thing flew away from it. A little pink thing flew up and ate it.

'Wow! How did you do that? You did not even need a weapon!' Ichigo ran up.

'Hmmm, interesting power. That's your name right? Power? Weird but from now on, your my pretty little kitty.' Kisshu said before disappearing.

'Uh, Ichigo? Lettuce or Zakuro won't move!' The little yellow girl said.

'Oh! Oh no!' Ichigo yelled. So the little girls name is Pudding. I knew her name somehow.

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