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3 Years Before Chapter 1

Kim Taehyung

The satin rose rested in the palm of an even softer hand, making it's way towards being set on the stone. Every year Taehyung felt broken, the way he mourned was depressing to watch. He had spent all day in the cemetery trying to finally make peace with the old, but still burning, loss of his most loved one.

He sighed, not this year, and left the faux rose to rest on the moss-covered memorial stone.

Smiling solemnly, Taehyung brought the hood to overtop his light brown locks and made his way home in the rain.

The walk was full of miserable thoughts, keeping Taehyung distracted from the world surrounding him. He was seventeen and homeschooled, his mother and stepfather needed him home to play nanny to their year-old twins. He's lonely, none of his old friends ever called him back.

He missed the way it felt to be a part of something, to feel like he belonged to something greater.

Shuffling home to his always angry mother and half emotionally dead stepfather, his thoughts keep him distracted from the solid black van that had been following him for three blocks.


Jeon Jungkook

"Come on, try it!" A black haired guy chuckled, urging the lit cigarette to an uneasy Jungkook.

He laughed fakely, "Ah, I don't know, Yoongi." Jungkook frowned as he took the small stick into his fingertips. Hearing the chanting from his friends to do it, he slowly took a puff,  sending him immediately into a fit of coughing.

The two guys with him, Yoongi and Hoseok, howled with laughter while pushing each other a fist bump. "Funny shit it is to watch noobs smoke." Hoseok laughed as Jungkook scowled, but continued his attempt at smoking.

"Aye, your grandpa back from the hospital?" Yoongi asked, looking at the suffering maknae.

"Yeah, unfortunately." He answered, flicking his partially smoked cigarette to the ground. "Mom gave him my room, so I'm stuck in the garage til one of us dies."

The other two nodded in understanding, looking outside of the alleyway to see a large black van creeping after some boy. Jungkook frowned, he had a bad feeling about that situation. "Hey, let's go. I've got some high dollar whiskey I snagged from my Aunt Aggy." Yoongi offered, a wiggle to his brows dancing along with the tone of his voice.

The nearby sounds felt distant as he watched the boy be gagged and pulled into the van. The alcohol that night would drain every second of that scene from his memory.

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