Chapter 1

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Jungkook was alone in his navy blue van, the soft hum of the road beneath him as he neared his destination. Breathing deeply, he tousled the bangs of his short brown hair. The drive was typically a short one, but traffic made it draining to sit through.

It was a cold Thursday night, the moon hidden by the looming storm clouds. It was yet to rain, but that just made it more of the perfect night to Jungkook. He was currently driving from his shared residence in Seoul to a wealthy neighborhood in Ilsan.

Jungkook's van radio had been stolen recently, the silence being rather numbing, his friend Jimin calls it karma for all the shitty thievery Jungkook does. Rolling his eyes in remembrance of the comment, he pulls into the sumptuous and nearly vacant residential street. The van slowly came to a stop in a small alleyway between a house and elevated fence, hoping his presence was well obfuscated from the locals.

Jungkook had been planning this night for weeks. He was no stranger to crime, but he only did it out of necessity. When the brunette told Jimin of who he was going to be robbing today, the elder made sure to throw some ridicule to his younger friend's way. You see, the 19-year-old was about to rob his boss' house- well, ex-boss' house.

This man had done Jungkook a great injustice. The arrogant, gnome-like man had fired the boy simply due to his resume being faked, nothing to do with how the teenager performed his job.

Jungkook thought he could finally stop with the petty thefts and the dealing of stolen goods, he thought this job would solve it all. It was a well-paying position creating video games at Gang-ju Tech. Out of pure pettiness, and the need to pay off this months rent, Jungkook decided to rob the putrid man's home.

This act probably would seem impulsive, but it was far from it. Jungkook had been waiting for the perfect person to rob. Someone who deserved it, wouldn't suffer too much and had at least one object of significant value. This man was the perfect victim which led Jungkook to stake out his house for the past two weeks, finally picking the night of the great storm to attack.

Hopping out of the van, he pulled up his hood as the beginning of the storm cried out from the clouds. Jungkook was rarely dramatic when it came to gear, but he's never had a problem despite working solo. All he needed was a gun, lock breakers, flashlight, knife, and a duffel bag.

 Now, going in there without knowing what to steal and it's near exact location would be stupid, and Jungkook is self-proclaimed, not stupid. He already had plans to grab an antique solid gold watch, encrusted with diamonds from the second level office and whatever else he could grab along the way. It would be quick and easy.

Soaking wet already, Jungkook could feel himself getting a blast of adrenaline. He furtively jogged up the stairs to the lightless surroundings of the front door. Using his bump key, it took no more than a few seconds to enter the luxurious home.

"Let's get this over with," Jungkook sighed to himself, pulling out his gun and entering through the large metal door.

Walking through the house, he couldn't help but run his gloved fingertips across a painting on the wall. It was a simple design, but still something you'd expect a humongous multimillion-dollar dwelling to look like. As quiet as a ghost, Jungkook tiptoed delicately up the stairs, making it effortlessly to the office.

It took no more than a few minutes, finding the hidden safe and breaking it open, Jungkook smirking to himself with pride. [ "These rich people are more careless than broke people sometimes." ] He thought to himself, shoving the valuable watch into his bag.

The house had been so quiet up until that moment when all of a sudden there was an abrupt clang. The smirk dropped from Jungkook's face, immediately raising his gun towards the door... but nothing was there. His eyes traveled around the wall to where he saw a vent, immediately concluding it was just the air system.

Clutching his chest in relief, he ran out quickly, racing quietly down one of the near pitch black hallways. Narrowing his eyes, he saw a figure straight ahead entering through the backdoor. His heart was pounding and the man was coming closer, not noticing the intruder's presence yet. Jungkook took advantage of the darkness and slipped through a random door, holding his breath as the sound of footsteps pass.

Letting out big puffs of air when only silence was heard, Jungkook tried to calm down. It was obviously the homeowner, that much was obvious to him. Wiping the beads of sweat from his forehead, Jungkook realized that there was no way he could leave for a while since the man was noticeably heading towards the living room, the sound of the tv now carrying through the walls. Gritting his teeth, Jungkook could feel his nerves kicking in. 

Looking around, Jungkook realized he was on a small platform with a cobblestone staircase leading to a basement. "Good thing I brought my flashlight." Jungkook chuckled to himself, attaching the rod to his gun and flicking on the switch.

Walking down the steps, he noticed a strange smell. "Oh my god, I swear if there's a fucking dead body I will-" he was cut off by his own surprised gasp, gun dropping to the floor, flashlight shining onto the unexpected. Jungkook reached a palm to cup his mouth, seeing a small boy chained by his ankle to the wall.

Jungkook was frozen, the boy looked around his own age and he was so bruised. "Are you an angel?" The black-haired boy asked, flicking on a small lamp next to the mattress he was curled up on.

Jungkook's mouth went dry, unable to form a steady train of thought. Looking into those hopeful yet terrified eyes, Jungkook spoke deeply, "No."

The hope flooded from the dark haired boy's eyes, replaced with tears instead. "Are you a bad man?"

"Sometimes," Jungkook answered again, retrieving his gun and light from the floor, a shiver itching in his bones. This was something Jungkook had never experienced, he had never even imagined being in such a preposterous situation of finding someone being held captive. [ "What the actual fuck is happening?" ]

Jungkook was slightly scared, what had he stumbled into? The shaking boy looked malnourished and sickly. Hearing the boy whimper, Jungkook groaned, knowing he has to at least let him loose.

Reaching into his own pocket, Jungkook pulled out a bump key and walked over to the smaller male who began visibly shaking in fear. "Hey, don't worry. I'm not going to hurt you, see?" He said in a soft tone, bending down and unlocking the shackles.

The boy stared at his now free foot, almost seeming in denial about this random rescue. "Who are you?" He asked, big doe eyes searching into Jungkook's empty ones.

Jungkook shrugged, biting his lip in worry, "I was just here to steal this guy's watch." he chuckled, but in meekness rather than humor. The boy with no name looked up at Jungkook, looking quite confused.

"You're a- you're a burglar?" No Name asked, eyebrows furrowing as he looked at the stranger. Upon seeing him nod, he stood up. "Can you steal me too?"

The guy asked so seriously, Jungkook choking a bit at his question. "I'll get you to the police station, but-"

"No! They'll just send me back to those people, I can't go back!" Tears were now falling down his soft cheeks, seemingly more scared of his home than of the cellar.

"Who could possibly be worse than being fucking kidnapped and locked in a basement? Are you mental?" Jungkook exasperatedly asked, eyes wide at the boy's plea. Seeing No Name cry, he crouched down with a sigh, "My name's Jungkook, who are you?"

"K- Kim Taehyung." He stuttered, looking at the face in front of him.

The Burglary Of A Stolen Boy ~ VkookWhere stories live. Discover now