A Really Important A/N

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Ok. So I know I may seem a little awkward right now...
This is something I really want to tell people.
Lately I've been reading gay Fanfiction and sometimes there will be an authors note.
The authors note will always talk about how they have depression and stuff.
It always hurts to read that because people are beautiful just the way they are.
And then I feel bad.
I feel bad because unlike those people I don't have to deal with depression.
I'm actually a very "positive" person.
Or as my friends put it "thick skinned".
Whatever that means...
Anyways, I feel bad about this because I don't know what it likes to have to fight against
Something like that.
So here's what I want to say.
For those of you who have depression,
Or just feel sad in general...
Know that I love you.
You are strong.
You are a fighter.
You are loved.
You are beautiful.
You are handsome.
You are everything you wanna be.
Remember that.
Thank you for taking your time to read my story.
You don't know how much it means means to me...
Well, bye you beautiful, wonderful, PERFECT people.
~Yours truly,

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