Chapter 2

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He seemed to be in thoughts.

,, Actually wait. I'll drive you there since it's the same way. " he grabbed his car keys and then we made sure that Sumo was walked out before we departed.

,, Thanks so much, dad! I would have crawled there. " I laughed out loudly.

He smiled and I also heard Connor to chuckle. He stopped in front of the masion.

,, Thank you so much for the lift, dad! You're the best! See you! " I kissed his cheek and was ready to get out of the car, but then I stopped myself and put my hand on Connor's shoulder, he turned his head to me.

,, It was nice meeting you, see you! "

Then I turned around and got out of the car.

,, Have a pleasant evening, Miss Anderson. " he said with a smile.

,, Just Aly is fine! See you and good luck! " I said and closed the door.

As I was making my way to the mansion's door, I heard dad honking as a sign of 'see you'. I giggled to myself as I waved at him.

When the door opened, there was this sound: ,, Welcome home, Aly. " but this was the first time with my name in it which meant that Carl just installed it there. I felt how widely I must have smiled. I made my way to the living room to find no one there. I automatically looked to the painting studio. I saw the wheelchair-lifter being used from the window above the door so I knew they must have been there. I made my way there.

When the door opened, I smiled widely while both Carl and Markus looked my way. They both smiled when they saw me. Markus was standing next to the wheelchair lifter. Carl was making his way down.

,, Hello! How are you? " I was beaming with happiness.

,, Hello, Aly. How is my girl doing? " Carl said with a smile.

I ran to him and hugged him.

,, I'm doing alright! I noticed that you've installed my name to the welcoming voice, you don't even know how widely I must have smiled when I heard it! " I looked at Carl and let go of him.

Then I walked to Markus and hugged him tightly as well. He's taller than me so he had to bend down a little.

,, Hi, Markus! " I said happily.

,, Hey, Aly. " he said as gently as ever.

I saw Carl watching us happily.

,, It was about time to install it there. " Carl smiled to himself.

I chuckled: ,, Well, then you must know how happy that made me! "

Markus smiled at the view of me and Carl.

After that, Carl looked up at his own big canvas with his drawing.

,, What do you think about it, both of you. " asked Carl while watching his own painting.

Me and Markus looked at it deeply.

,, There is something about it... something... I can't quite... define.. I guess I like it. " Markus smiled.

,, I can see the abstract feeling you've put into it, but of course, I will not understand what it has as a meaning because I'm not the one to draw it. " I said while thinking.

Carl sighed: ,, The truth is I have nothing to say anymore... I'm just an old man hanging onto his brushes. Every day brings me closer to my end. "

,, No, Carl. " said Markus sadly.

Even I casted my eyes down, thinking about how sad it will be when the day comes.

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