Day Seven Part Two

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Virgil's POV:

I walk to a room of darkness, a place that I've been to many times before. Probably too many times. But nevertheless, I keep on walking. I have business to take care of. Though no one knows of this business except for Logan. The real and the fake one. I made a deal and now I can't break it. Well, I have a plan, and it will take care of everything.

Roman's POV:

I enter the dark room to see Logan tied to a chair, being at the edge of the Forgotten Pit. I pull out my sword and slowly walk over to him, being careful. This could all be a trap of Deceit's that I refuse to fall for.

I pull the chair back and stand in front of Logan. I wince. His face is covered I bleeding scars and blue and purple bruises. His blood trickles onto the floor, creating a pool right at my feet. Though, I still pull out my sword and cut the ropes. Then I rip the tape off of his mouth.

He's breathing hard but he mumbles in uneven breathes, "Deceit...has he hurt...anyone else? Has he hurt...Patton?"

I shake my head. "No. Only you."

He nods. "Okay. Good. What acts of despair has he caused?"

"He separated me and Virgil because it makes Thomas weaker."

"Okay. We should get out here."

Then a voice booms, "You're leaving!"


I look up to see his ugly snake face standing in the doorway. I narrow my eyes at him. "You're not going to win, Deceit."

Deceit smirks and says, "You're right. I'm not." He looks behind him and says, "Is our deal not ready?"

And Virgil steps out of the shadows.

My mouth drops. What deal did he make with Deceit?

Virgil walks forward so he's at the edge of the Forgotten Pit, Deceit right behind him. "Virgil..what deal did you make?" I ask.

Deceit smirks. "You won't find out soon."

Virgil turns around and mumbles, "He said he would leave Thomas alone if one of us dies so he can take their I'm sacrificing myself to save us all."

My hands start to shake and tears stream down my cheeks. "No," I whimper. "No! NO! Virgil PLEASE DONT DO THIS!" I start to run towards him, but Deceit pushes his hand toward me, holding me back. I still fight and scream. "VIRGIL DONT JUMP IN THEIR PLEASE I CANT FORGET YOU PLEASE IM BEGGING YOU PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!"

Virgil looks up at me crying. He whispers, "I'm sorry, Roman. Just know that I love you...I always have and I always will..."


And then Deceit pushes him off the edge and-

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