Hard Love

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-Hard Love

-Fairy Tail

-Nalu (You know, I have this problem where any song that has words burn, fire, flame, etc. it always reminds me of Natsu, and then I want to write a story for the song. *face palms* Technically that's what AMV's are for, isn't it?)

-Hard Love by Needtobreathe. 

-Yes, most likely there will be spoilers.

Natsu was having a dream. It was very strange and a song was playing in the background as images flashed through his head. It went like this:

Trading punches with the heart of darkness,

First, he was fighting with Zeref. His fire against the Black Wizard.

Going to blows with your fear incarnate,

Then he was fighting Acnologia, as scared as he'd ever been before.

Never gone until it's stripped away,

Then he was watching Igneel die again. It didn't hurt any less this time.

A part of you has gotta die today.

And next he was being told that he was demon, dragon, and human, and that he needed to choose.

In the morning you're gonna need an answer,

Now he saw himself demanding answers from Igneel when he first came back.

Ain't nobody's gonna change the standard.

Then Natsu saw the first face-off against Alvarez. Fairy Tail versus the empire.

It's not enough to just feel the flame,

Next he was leaving for training, so he could get stronger.

You gotta burn your old self away.

Then he had turned into E.N.D. when he thought Lucy was dead.

Hold on tight a little longer.

Then he was back to fighting the king of Edolas.

What doesn't kill ya, makes ya stronger.

He was still fighting, with Gajeel and Wendy. And they were losing.

Get back up, 'cause it's a hard love.

But they kept getting back up, determined not to lose.

You know the situation can't be right,

Now he was way back, fighting against Phantom Lord.

And all you ever do is fight.

And then he had finished fighting Gajeel. 

But there's a reason that the road is long;

They were both beat and talking about their missing dragon fathers.

It takes some time to make your courage strong.

And then he was coming back from his training and seeing Lucy again.

Hold on tight a little longer.

Then he was in her room in Crocus, looking at her wall of Fairy Tail members and information.

What doesn't kill ya, makes ya stronger.

And then it was back again, fighting against Hades, on Tenrou Island.

Get back up 'cause it's a hard love.

And then he was holding Luce's hand as Mavis cast Fairy Sphere.

You can't change without a fallout.

Then he and Gajeel were fighting against Laxus.

It's gonna hurt, but don't slow down.

And they weren't going to give up, no matter what.

Get back up 'cause it's a hard love.

Then he was back in the past even more and stopping Gray from casting Iced Shell.

When the wolves come and hunt me down,

Next he was fighting through all the monsters sent to destroy Lamia Scale.

I will face them all and stand my ground.

Then he facing both Sting and Rogue after their unison raid.

'Cause there's a fire burning in me

Then he and Atlas Flame were fighting Future Rogue.

And I still believe in this love I found.

And then he was grinning like a fool, after high-fiving Lucy, deciding to work together.

Whoa-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh!

Now he was remembering Lucy, and seeing her after she turned back visible.

Hold on tight a little longer.

And now she was smiling at him and holding his scarf for him, tears in her eyes.

What doesn't kill ya, makes ya stronger.

Then Fairy Tail was celebrating after winning the Grand Magic Games.

Get back up 'cause it's a hard love.

Then he was back with Luce before his fight against Sting and Rogue.

You can't change without a fallout.

And now he was seeing their first meeting again.

It's gonna hurt, but don't slow down.

Then he was taking her to Fairy Tail, and running from the authorities.

Get back up 'cause it's a hard love.

Last, he was looking at her, about to kiss her because Asuka wanted him to.

It's a hard love.

And Natsu jerked up, suddenly awake. Happy flew off his stomach and settled at Lucy's side on her bed, still mostly asleep.

Natsu turned and kneeled on the floor by Lucy's bedside. He brushed a strand of blonde hair out of her face. Her nose twitched as it poked her.

Natsu smiled softly and leaned against the bed again, falling asleep to her slight snores.

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