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Murder ahead

The next day, Jiwoo was able to go home. With help from Jimin, she was able to get up from her bed and get into a wheelchair held still by Yoongi. They checked her out of the hospital, rolled her outside, and got her to Yoongi's grey explorer. While Yoongi drived, constantly looking behind himself to check on his dongsaengs, Jimin clung to Jiwoo like the little koala he is.

"Noona?" Jimin practically whispered. "Yes Jiminnie?" Jiwoo replied, combing her fingers through his soft yet messy hair. His big puppy dog eyes looked up at her, hesitancy swirling in his eyes. "Are you hurt? Did- did that man hurt yo-" "JIMIN!" Yoongi's voice yelled, causing the youngest to quiet down and Jiwoo to look up in shock at her brother's rarely used yell. "Jimin... you don't ask about that so soon. You need to learn not to bring it u-" Yoongi's small speech was cut short, as Jiwoo placed her hand on his shoulder. "Oppa, it's ok. You know that he's just curious." Jiwoo said, tightening her grip around her little brother. Yoongi signed before rubbing his face. "I'm sorry, Jimin. I shouldn't have yelled." He said, before his focus narrowed back in on the road. "I-it's ok hyung." Jimin stuttered out, burying his face in Jiwoo's chest.

"Now as for you mister!" She said, shaking her brother, causing him to giggle. "I don't wanna talk about it yet ok? I'm n-not sure I ever will. But I'm ok now. Got it?" She finished, kissing his forehead. "Ok Noona." He whispered, kissing her cheek before nuzzling back into the hiding spot of his sister's chest. "I love you, Noona." Jimin mumbled, squeezing his sister even tighter. "I love you too, Jiminnie." She said, resting her head on his. "I love you, Jiwoo." Yoongi said from the front. "I love you too, Oppa." She replied, feeling herself doze off.


Once Seokjin had gotten home the night before, he flopped on his couch and began fighting with his thoughts. Jiwoo is so pretty- What's wrong with me?? Feelings! Shut up! PLEASE! I am not feeling things for Jiwoo. I am not feeling things for Jiwoo. I am not feeling things for Jiw- But she is really pretty... And sweet... And- "UGH!" He groaned, throwing a pillow across the darkening room, just to hear something fall and break. "DANG IT!" He yelled into one of the couch cushions. Letting out a groan, he stood up and went in the direction of the crash. When he reached it though, he felt his heart sink. The picture that was held in the front had fallen out through the broken glass, but the picture he saw was one of him and his ex girlfriend from highschool.


Seokjin and Minseo were the perfect couple. Seokjin was head of the football team, and Minseo was the school's most valuable voice in the choir. They were some of the most considerate people in all the school and also everyone's favorite 'power couple' as many people called them. Oftentimes, they were referred to as the Prince and Princess of the school. Everything was pure and blissful all throughout their highschool years. But it all ended once the cap and gown were gone.

MinJin, as they called themselves, were both planning on going to the same collage. They both got scholarships, Seokjin for his incredible football skills, and Minseo for her angelic singing.

On July 7th, they were on their four year anniversary date. Seokjin took her to their favorite restaurant for dinner. After finishing their food, Seokjin was working up the nerve to propose to her. He had already asked her family, which they didn't hesitate to give him permission, even if they were only 19 and 18. As he ran his thumb over the velvet box beneath the table, a man in a hood came in. This drew Seokjin's attention away from his Minseo at the wrong moment. Before Seokjin could even react, the man pulled out a gun and shot Minseo. "MINSEO!" Seokjin screamed as she fell over. While attention was drawn towards the noise, the man broke into the cash register and stole all the money.

Seokjin held Minseo, pressing his hand on the bleeding hole in her stomach as someone called an ambulance. "Baby please hold on for me please!" He begged, trying to see her through his tears. "J-Jin..." She trailed off, lifting her hand to stroke his cheek. "Minseo please don't leave... I-I-" "Shh baby please. I can't stay. I'm sorry but I can feel my body getting heavier." She replied calmly, running her fingers through his hair. "I love you, Jin. You were the best thing that ever happen to me. And the fact that you get to be the last person I see... I wouldn't have it any other way." She finished, lifting her head to kiss him. "I can't live without you, Minseo. What will I do without you?" He asked, shaking from holding back his tears. "Find your new half for MinJin. Find your new Princess." She said, placing the velvet box that had fallen on the ground back in his hand. "I love you so much, Minseo." He said, pressing his forehead against hers. "I love you so much too, Jin..." She said as her finally words.

After the tragic death of Minseo, Seokjin gave up his dreams of sports and instead went to college to train to become a cop, and someday, become a detective.

~Flashback end~

Seokjin then spent the next hour sitting on the floor, sobbing, as he held the picture to his chest. "I miss you, Minseo..." He cried as he fell asleep on the carpeted floor.

(A/N for those of you who don't know what an explorer is, here:

Yes, this is what I imagine Yoongi driving if he wasn't a rich Idol

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Yes, this is what I imagine Yoongi driving if he wasn't a rich Idol. And again, I really hope the trigger warning was helpful here. Tbh, that entire Minseo story just popped into my mind as I wrote this ^_^; . Anyway I hope you all liked the chapter! Bye!)

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