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Rape memories ahead

Once it became nighttime, Jiwoo, Yoongi, and Jimin, decided to go to bed. But about an hour into the night, memories began to haunt Jiwoo. Remembering that man, that house, all the nights she ended up with new bruises, or even worse reminders of the pain. The nights that made her feel like she'd never escape, like she'd never be home with her brothers again. Although her mind was plagued with the memories, her body grew more and more tired until she fell asleep. Unfortunately though, her mind continued to remember, until it painted those memories into a nightmare.

Her whole body felt numb with every strike of his hand on her bare skin. She quickly learned that he enjoyed slapping, and as he put it "her skin was perfect to litter with bruises". Tears began rolling down her cheeks as he began yelling all sorts of degrading things at her. After about an hour of yelling and beating her, he left, but not before lifting her up to give her the most disgusting and violating kiss she'd ever felt. After he shut the door and locked it, she rolled into a ball as best she could and sobbed.

She began sobbing in her sleep as well, which quickly awoke her older brother. Yoongi sat up in his bed before listening for her broken cries. Once he knew he was hearing correctly he ran in her room to see his little sister curled up in a ball, crying her eyes out in her sleep. Oh no. He ran over to her and started shaking her, in order to wake her up. Just as she woke up, she let out a deafening scream, causing him to cover his ears in pain. When he looked back at her, she was still in a ball, with her eyes wide open, and her body shaking.

"Jiwoo, it's ok, you're ok. I'm here." He said, stepping closer. "It was just a bad dream, but you're-" "N-no." She cut him off. "'No'? Jiwoo you were slee-" "I kn-know I was-s sl-sleeping, b-but it w-wasn't a d-dr-eam." She cut off again quietly. Just then, Jimin ran in to see his sister's quivering form. "Noona?" His soft voice questioned as he walked in and stood by his Hyung. As Jimin stopped, Yoongi knelt down right next to her bed. "It wasn't?" The older brother asked, confusion all over his face. "I-it was m-memories p-pl-aying th-through my m-mind a-as I s-slept." She stuttered out, tightening her body into an even smaller ball. Both brothers hearts dropped to hear those words leave her mouth.

Jimin reached a hand out to hold hers, but she pulled her hand away before he could even touch her. Yoongi looked over his shoulder to see the youngest's heartbroken face at his sister's denial. He went to place his hand on her thigh, but as soon he felt her clammy skin beneath his palm, she flinched and rolled over so that the contact broke. Now he knew the heartbreak his brother felt. Her back was now facing them, so they moved to the other side of her bed.

"Noona, can we do anything to calm you down? We don't know what to do and you're the only person that could tell us what you needed." Jimin's soft voice said as he knelt to the ground, resting his head on her mattress not far from her face. "I don't know what I need, Jimin. I just know I feel broken and helpless." She finished, wiping a tear away with her sleeve. Yoongi then kneeled down next to his brother, resting his chin on his overlapping arms.

"Ok Jiwoo, I don't know what happened, and I don't know how to make you feel better, but you're home now and you're safe. I know you might not feel safe yet but you are. And you have us. We're not going to let anything else happen to you. We love you, and we're trying to help you through this. Do you want us to get sleeping bags so we can sleep in here with you, or do you want to move to one of our rooms to sleep in tonight? I want us to be able to get to bed so we're not sleeping all day but I also want to make you feel better if we can." Yoongi said, forcing his eyes to stay open. "I g-guess could y-you g-guys sleep i-in h-here?" She asked, straightening out a little. "Sure. Do you want just one of us to go get our sleeping bags so the other can stay in here with you?" He asked again, standing up to pop his back."I'd l-like if o-one of you s-stayed." She said, yawning at the end. Yoongi nodded, giving her a small smile. "I doubt Jimin remembers where they're at so I'll go get them, ok?" He asked, getting a nod from both his Dongsaengs. "Ok I'll be right back." He said before walking out.

He soon returned with his black sleeping bag and Jimin's light blue one. Once the brothers had laid out their bags, they both asked Jiwoo if they could give her a kiss on the forehead. She hesitantly nodded after a moment, to which they took turns leaning down and giving her a small peck above her eyebrows. Then they went to get comfy in their beds. They said their goodnights to each other and after awhile, fell asleep.

(A/N ok I'm trying to make this just a little more accurate as I go through and continue writing. I again hope the trigger warning helped. Anyway hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Bye!)

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