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The day before Seokjin was supposed to interview Jiwoo, he woke up on the floor. What happened last night. Forcing his eyes open, he squinting at the bright sun seeping through the windows. He looked down at his lap to see the picture of him and Minseo. Oh right. Standing up, he held the picture tightly to his chest. He groggily walked into his kitchen and started the coffee machine, sitting on one of his stools as he waited for the coffee to be done. His eyes softly looked at the old picture in his hand.

It was crinkled and slightly damp, tears from the night before darkening the picture in places. He got lost in the picture, in the memories, remembering the feeling in his heart, the looks she gave him, her big beautiful doe eyes. Her smile plauged his head. She was a bitter sweet memory that he rarely revisited, the bitterness and sweetness was too strong, too potent, too much to handle without long, long breaks in between. Even after breaks it hurt beyond what he remembered. It made his head spin and he always woke up the same way. On the floor with a picture of her. Another tear made it's way down his nose and dripped onto the picture.

Still in his bitter sweet memory, the coffee machine alerted him that it was finished. Inhaling deeply, he layed the picture facedown on the counter and walked over to the machine. After filling his cup he picked up his phone, going straight to his group chat with his friends and fellow officers and detectives.


You guys better be awake cause I'm bored.

Weird Child:
Hyung... It's 11am... I'd be surprised if anyone's still sleeping.

Bunny Child:
Hyungggg I was sleeping!😴 Why wouldn't some of us still be sleeping? It's our day off!

Weird Child:
Well you're an exception. Children do need more sleep than adults.👦🏻😴

Bunny Child:

Weird Child:

Sunshine Boy:
Seokjin Hyung, what're they fighting about now?

I think a mix of Tae calling Kook a child and Tae correcting Kook for not using honorifics. So you know, the usual.😂

Weird Child:
I am very offended by the lack of honorifics my Dongsaeng is using towards me. I deserve some respect from my younger.

Brainy Boy:
Yeah Jungkook! He deserves respect😂

Weird Child:
...shut up Hyung...

Brainy Boy:
Hey have some respect!

Weird Child:
I called you "Hyung"!

Let's go out tonight. Go out to dinner and hang out for once, not as co-workers.

Sunshine Boy:
That'd be awesome! I'm already hungry!😋

Brainy Boy:
Yeah I'm free!
I wonder if the youngers are done yelling at each other over private messages to say if they're able to come or not...

Bunny Child:
I'm free. Also we weren't fighting!

Weird Child:
Uh yeah totally not...😂

Bunny Child:
Oh shut up!

Taehyung can you come with us or not?

Weird Child:
I need to check with Hyun jae brb

Brainy Boy:
You really gotta check in with your girlfriend before going out?

Weird Child:
Yeah. The fact that you don't know that that's a rule just shows why you don't have a girlfriend.

Sunshine Boy:
OoOoh! Someone got burned!🔥💥

Brainy Boy:
Hoseok, shut up. Taehyung, shut up and ask Hyun jae already!

Weird Child:
I'm going I'm going!
Alright she said I could just asked me not to get drunk.

Sunshine Boy:
YAY! I'll come get everyone at about 5 tonight! Sound good?

Sounds good!

Brainy Boy:

Bunny Boy:
I'll be ready!

Weird Child:


Seokjin smiled at his phone before setting it down and finishing off his coffee. He stretched his sore back, hearing a few satisfying pops before letting out a sigh. Looking around the small apartment, he decided to take a shower but not before picking up the picture of him and Minseo and smiling sadly at it.

(A/N short chapter cause I know I need to get this going again but I didn't have much motivation for a normal sized chapter (even though I have literally nothing else to do) anyway I hope you liked this chapter! Bye!)

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