Chapter 1

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Severus stalked up the stairs to the headmasters' office.

He couldn't believe that his holiday was being cut short- a holiday which he treasured each and every year as his reward for having to put up with the incompetent fools who he had the displeasure of teaching.

As if it wasn't bad enough, this year, James Potters' son was arriving and Severus was sure that Dumbledore was going to task him with something outrageous like looking out for the boy- he could just feel it...

Severus reached the large wooden door and was immediately asked to enter.

He stepped into the office and saw that along with the headmaster, Hagrid was also present.

Severus nodded in greeting to Hagrid, for he found that he could never muster enough ill feelings towards the half-giant- he had after all always been one of Severus' truest friends ever since Severus had been a student.

"Take a seat my boy," said Dumbledore, "Hagrid, here, has brought news."

Loathe as he was to follow yet another order of the headmasters' after being summoned from vacation, he sat down anyway.

"Tell me Headmaster, what is so urgent?" asked Severus with all the respect that he could muster.

"Hagrid paid a visit to Privet Drive this evening..."

Severus looked at the headmaster, expecting him to continue and impatience rising before realizing that unlike his usual conversations with the man where Albus deliberately spoke in a riddles, this time the man had something of significance on his mind- at least that was what his expression told him.

He glanced at Hagrid and for the first time noticed that the half-giant was holding onto an oversized handkerchief and wringing it in his hands almost as if in worry.

Severus turned back to the headmaster, "Albus," Severus leaned forward slightly, "What is in Privet Drive? What has happened?"

Albus shook his head slightly, "It is where Harry Potter has resided for 10 years of his life..."

Severus' eyes widened, "You don't mean to tell me that the boy- that he..."

Albus held up a hand, "No no, Severus... but it may be just as bad..."

Just then, there was a loud crash from behind the doors to Albus' private quarters and Severus was on his feet in an instant only to be asked to sit back down by Albus.

"What is the meaning of this?"

Albus gave Hagrid a small smile and gestured to the door, "If you'll please check on our guest Hagrid," before turning back to Severus, "Harry Potter was found to be, as I am most aggrieved to say, blind."

This time when Severus stood up, his chair went crashing down behind him, "How is that possible Albus?"

Albus stood as well and righted the chair with a wave of his hand, "His relatives claim that it is a muggle disease."

Severus narrowed his eyes, "They claim? You think there may be another reason- that they may have done this?"

"When we left Harry with the Dursleys' on that fateful night," said Albus, "Minerva had previously been watching them all day and according to her, they seemed like the 'worst type of muggles possible'-"

"Yet you left a baby with them," interrupted Severus in outrage.

Albus raised an eyebrow that immediately silenced Severus, "You know as well as I do why I had to leave him there... To answer your initial question, I am expecting Poppy to arrive in a few minutes so that she can have a look at Harry but the boy claims that no harm has come to him by his familys' hand- at least not to his eyes."

Through His EyesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin