Chapter 1

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" Come on mother, everything must've been easier in the 60's! You were there." I complained to my mother. " No sweetie, it wasn't." " How come?" I asked as politely as I could. " Honey, back then, when I was 16, I was considered a Soc." she paused for a moment. " Socials, we were the rich kids, with nice houses and cars,-" she said. I looked at her confusingly. "- and the ones who didn't have much, were considered greasers. Things.. were rough all over." She said. I let those words sink in. I didn't realize what had happened in the 60's, but my life was still crumby and I bet the 60's is way better than the 80's. " It still sounds like its better then than now, mother. Mom,-" I usually never called her mom unless it was very important. "- I'm fourteen, and I don't have any friends except for one. If I was in the 60's, I would probably have friends and maybe even a boyfriend who loves me." I told her calmly.
I went to my room without saying anything else. I started to bawl. I took down my wavy red hair out of its pony tail and brushed it. I went to brush my teeth. I put on my shorts and long sleeve shirt that was cyan blue on.
I sat on my bed and laid there thinking. My window was up so I could hear all different noises of nature. I saw a shooting star and made a wish. " I wish I was in the 60's." I mumbled to myself. " Everything must've been easier then than it is now, please. I don't care about the Socs and Greasers, I just want to see what it would be like if I could actually be in the 60's. Away from the 80's." That was the last thing I mumbled before going to sleep on the bed.

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