1(Joe Sugg)

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Is it normal to be sitting here in darkness crying about someone you had but can no longer have?
Probably not. But yet here i am sitting here darkness surrounding me listening to one of his best friends voice singing softly through my headphones
Looking through photos of us, from when we were happy
Don't you worry don't you worry child
He sang softly as i scroll through another photo.
I miss the smile he has
I miss waking up to his morning voice or waking up to him cooking breakfast
I miss the way he laughs when his friends told him a joke
Or the way he crunched his face up when he's concentrating
Or the way he told me loved me every morning
I miss him.
Sometime i wonder wether he thinks about me or if he misses me like i miss him
Does he even talk to his old friends anymore? Does he know how i've been lately? Will he ever come back?
Has he moved on? Does he talk about me?
All these questions run round my head
I finally get up out of bed, i grab my pack of cigarettes from my bedside table and put them in my jacket pocket. I put my shoes on and walk downstairs. I walk out the door closing shut softly. I get in my car and drive to the bridge. I get out if my car and light a cigarette. I walk over to the bridge and sit the railings i feel the familiar feeling as i inhale and exhale, i stare at the water thinking about what would if happened if he didn't leave me would i still be happy? I finish my cigarette and chuck it into the water. I get down from the railings and walk back to my car. I fall asleep in my car. I wake up the next morning and drive back home. As i walk into the living room i notice my roommate and someone else sat on the sofa talking
"Sup Kelsi" I said to her
"Oh hi Charlie. Oh charlie this Casper he thinks he's your twin brother, i told him it was impossible but he insisted" she told me
I look at him and i see my dad in his face,
"Kelsi could you give us some privacy please?" I told her
"Yeah im gonna head to work now so i'll be home later" she replied then left
I sit down.
Silence is all i hear right now
"How did you find me Lee?" I asked him. I had run away after him and Casper left. I tried to make sure no one could find me or recognise me but obviously didn't work.
"I didn't" he said "Your friend Messaged me on insta saying she knew where you were" Oh that bitch. I knew she wanted to get rid of me but i did not think she'd research me and contact Casper damn that was smart if her. Me and Kelsi never really were close i would always be out when she was home and she'd be out when i was home
"Oh" was all i could say. We sat in silence for a few minutes before he broke the silence
"I'm sorry for leaving" He said softly
And that was it i just cried and cried. He pulled me closer and hugged me tightly
"I know Casper i know you are" I sobbed
"Joe misses you a lot you know, i hear him cry himself to sleep some nights because he misses you so much" he said. I sobbed harder
"I miss him so much. His smile, his laugh, everything about him i miss" i sob into his chest
After i stop crying he asks me
" Are you happy here?"
"If you want my honest answer no i am not, my roommate is trying to get rid of me, i was fired a few weeks ago because i couldnt talk to anyone properly without having a anxiety attack and i miss you guys so much" I reply
"Come home with me then, you'd see joe and Zoe again and be closer to me" he says
"You wouldn't mind if i did?" I ask
"No of course not, i wouldn't mind at all and i'm pretty sure Joe and Zoe will be so happy that you'll be back" He replied
"Ok." I tell him
"Great lets go pack your stuff we catch the plane in a couple if days" He told me
We pack my suff which wasn't much because i didn't need much to live
I leave Kelsi a note saying i moved out and thank you i put everything in his car. We set off for the hotel
"So why did you come here?" I ask him
"Joe and I wanted to go somewhere with Zoe and Alfie so we decided here, then i got the message from Kelsi saying you lived here so that was a bonus"
He replied whilst driving
"Will joe be there? Does he have a new girlfriend? How is everything between Zoe and Alfie?" I bombard him with questions
"Okay, okay yes joe will be there, he's at the hotel at the moment, no he doesn't have a girlfriend he cant get over you and everything is perfect between Zoe and Alfie" he tells me
I relax and say "okay"
A few minutes later we were outside the hotel room door
"You ready" he asks
"As i'll ever be" i tell him
He unlocks the dior and we walk in to find Jo on the sofa on his laptop editing i sneak behind him and cover his eyes
"Guess who" I say into his ear
He jumps up and screams "Charlie!"
"Ow my ears" Casper complains
"The one and only" I say ignoring Caspers complaining
He jumps over the sofa and gives me a massive hug
"I missed you" He whispers in my ear
"I missed you to" i told him
He let go of me and kissed me I immediately kiss him back.
"God i've missed doing that" we say in unison
"Yay! No everyones happy I'm hungry lets go get dinner" Casper says interrupting our romantic moment
"Well done Casp you just ruined the moment" Joe says " Will you be my girlfriend again or is it to soon?"
"Yes i will be your girlfriend again Joe" i reply
"Yay now lets go get food" Capser wines
"Shut up" Joe and I say together
"Wait where Zoe and Alfie?" I ask Joe
"On a date" he replies "Of which be ready tomorrow night by 5:30 cause were going on a date" he says as he interlocks our hands together
Man i've missed this. I've missed us.

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