3 (Zach Herron p1)

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"Dax!" My mother screams
Kick. Punch. Slap.
"Shut up bitch" My father says to her
"Dad stop please" 6 year old me begs
For a 6 year old i was pretty grown up for my age but i guess i had to be especially with the way my parents were.
"Mark stop, she's your child!" My mother screams
"But she's not though, neither is she your child" My father spits angrily
"That doesn't matter we still raised her!" My mother raises her voice at my father for the third time tonight
"Mum stop, it'll be okay" 6 year old me assures my mother.
But it wasn't all okay, by the end of that night my mother was dead. And my father arrested for murder, they weren't my parents to begin with but they raised me. I don't know anything about my birth parents but that's okay i guess only saves me more heart break.My adoptive father Mark wasn't always like this he only turned bad once my adoptive mother had tried to leave him.
After my mother was murdered and my father arrested i was sent off to an orphanage again where i am today. Oh by the way my name is Dax, Dax Herron.

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