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I never meant to be the one
Who kept you from the dark
It wasn't supposed to end this way
But now I know my wounds are sewn
Everything was going to be fine
Because of who you are
I will take this burden on
Everything was going right
And become the holy one
But remember I am human
But then she showed up
And I'm bound to sing this song

So hear my voice remind you not to bleed
I'm here,
She waltzed in like she owned the place and pulled a gun out
Saviour will be there
When you are feeling alone, oh
I knew she had changed but I didn't think she'd turn out like me
A saviour for all that you do
So you live freely without their harm
I only wanted her to become slightly crazy to help me
So here I write my lullaby
To all the lonely ones
I never expected to fall as hard as i did for her
Remember as you learn to try
To be the one you love
But as soon as i realised this she was taken away from me
So I can take this pen
And teach you how to live
What is left unsaid
I never got to tell her i loved her
The greatest gift I give
And now shes gone
So hear my voice remind you not to bleed
I'm here,
I wish i could take back everything that happened
Saviour will be there
When you are feeling alone, oh
I can't stop blaming myself
A saviour for all that you do
So you live freely without their harm
If only i was there to help her would everything be okay now
She was a beautiful soul that was unfortunately taken away from us to soon
I know your probably thinking why is he up there saying this shouldn't it be someone who cares but truth is i do care
I cared for her more than anyone
And i will never care about someone like i did for her again
I loved her but i never got to tell her that
I just wish i could of realised it sooner
Instead of the moment before she was taken away from me
I love you Harley....

Saviour will be there
When you are feeling alone, oh
A saviour for all that you do
So you live freely without their harm

When I hear your cries
Praying for light
I will be there
Sometimes at night i hear you call for help and every night i see you die in my arms over and over again and theres nothing i can do to stop it or help you and it kills me harls it really does
I wish i could of saved you
I scream because i know

...I wanted to be your saviour, but i never was...

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