3 (Zach Herron p4)

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"Hi mom do i have an older sister" Zach asks whilst on the phone
"Yeah you do why?" She replies
"What happened to her?" Zach asks
"She was taken as a baby why Zach?" She says starting to get agitated
"Because i think i may of found her"
"WHAT!! HOW?" She screams in disbelief
"She may or may not of saved my life" Zach said Vaguely
"WHAT!" She shouts again "Let me talk to her Zach"
"Ok i'll pass you over" he says after i nod
"Hi mum" i said quietly
"Omg my baby.." She says "Your here, Your alive!"
"Yeah i am" i said shyly
"Let me go get your father"
Mum's pov
Omg my baby's alive
She's here
"Josh, Josh come here!! Zach found our baby!!"
"He found Daxine?!" He said
"Yeah!" I said "she's on the phone now"
He comes running in
"Can we meet her sometime?" He asks
"Ask her"
Dax's pov
"Hi" i said
"Can we meet you?" I froze no ones ever willing wanted to meet me before exept Lucy but she doesn't count she was forced to.
"Y..y..yeah sure" i stutter
Omg you stupid their gonna think your a freak now
I mentally face palmed myself
"No need to be nervous darling we won't hurt you. We wont rush you into anything you don't want to do"
"No yeah i want to meet you" i said
"Okay we've got to go and ryan and reece from school in a minute so i'll zach send me your number ok?" She said
"Yeah sure" i said a bit more confident
"Ok see you soon" she said
She hung up
I gave Zach back his phone
I then got squashed in a massive group hug
"AAHH" i hear a scream.....

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