Time To Let Loose!

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A/N: Right so I'm blaming Finn Balor for this book and for putting the idea into my head! So Finn posted a photo of himself on front of a male strip club exposing his abs and just seeing that its given me this idea LOL so I'm writing it, its not like I don't have other books to write *I was being sarcastic cos I do have other books to write* anyway it won't be a long book, yeah, yeah I know I say that and then it ends up being long but meh whatever happens, happens LOL! Enjoy reading....


Last week was the worst week of Pamela's life, her boyfriend of 5 years had just broke up with her and she was devastated. She had thought he was the one but she was so wrong, her birthday was coming up and she really thought Justin was going to propose to her but instead just days before her birthday, Justin broke up with her telling her he didn't love her anymore but the reality was he was seeing someone else behind Pam's back and Mercedes, Pam's best friend had caught him in the act one night and threaten to end him if he didn't tell Pam cos if he didn't she will.

So here she was heartbroken on her birthday and alone feeling unloved and miserable, that was until there was a knock on her door singling that someone was there. Walking slowly to her front door, Pam opened it to see her friends: Mercedes, Rebecca, Ashley and Leah all standing there before she let them all in.

"Happy birthday Pam!" they all shouted after Pam had opened the door, Pam smiled a thanks then her face dropped.

"Right that's it, we're taking you out so you can drink and let loose. It's your birthday and you deserve to get drunk!" Mercedes said grabbing Pam by the arm and she started to drag her into her bedroom.

"Mercy, I really appreciate it, I do but I'm not in the mood!" Pam said pulling her arm out of Mercedes's grasp.

"Oh no you don't, you're going, END OF STORY! Let's get you dressed and looking HOT!" Mercedes said dragging Pam back into the bedroom shutting the door behind them.

"Okay, what the hell its my birthday I might as well" Pam said giving in. Maybe this will be good for her to go out there have some fun instead of being depressed over some jerk who isn't worth it.


An hour or so later Pam and Mercedes came out and Pam was all dolled up (see pic above for an idea on Pam's look) and the other girls were so happy to see that Pam will come out with them. After making sure everyone was ready to go they headed out to a waiting cab that Becky had called earlier. Jumping into the cab, Pam, Leah, Mercedes and Rebecca squeezed into the back seat with Ashely sitting in front with the cab driver.

"Wait, where are we going?" Pam asked from the back seat.

"Well you know how I'm dating AJ Styles right, well what you guys don't know is that AJ owns a club and its not just any club" Ashley started saying.

"You're taking me to a night club?" Pam asked with eyebrows raised looking at Ashley.

"No Pam, not a night club. AJ owns a strip club...... an all male strip club!" Ashley said as the girls except Pam all squealed with delight. 

"WHAT!" Pam gasped in shock.

"I hope your ready girls because we're going to be watching a strip show tonight,  AJ has given me front row seats. So be ready to feast your eyes on some eye candy ladies!" Ashley said waving the tickets so the girls can see. 

"AHHHH OMG! .......WAIT ...... Ladies check you wallets we need plenty of money to feed these men!" Mercedes screamed in excitement checking her purse. "okay checked, I'm loaded" Mercedes said.

"Loaded and ready to go!" Rebecca said rubbing her hands in glee.

"Fully loaded here too and ready to rock!" Leah relied as well as she squealed with joy.

"You've got to be kidding me right now, a strip club!" Pam spoke up shocked at where they were going.

"Pam, calm down if anyone needs this it's you!" Ashley said turning around to look at Pam from the front passenger seat.

"WHAT! What do you mean I need this?" Pam asked shocked that Ashley said that.

"Pam, its your birthday right? Your asshole boyfriend dump you, right? So this is you going out and having some fun, come on Pam!" Ashley said and Pam knew she was right.

"Okay, fine! I'll try and have some fun" Pam replied giving up as she looked out of the window to see where they were going.

Pam just sighed while the girls were chatting amongst themselves as the cab drove towards its destination. Before long they had arrived at the club and they all got out of the cab and after Ashley paid the cabbie, they walked up towards the club Ashley said AJ owned.

"Welcome ladies to 'The Bullet Club'" Ashley said as they stepped into the club.

Walking inside the club, Pam notice it was dark with dim lighting around as she looked around the joint as Ashley spoke to the bouncer at the door showing the tickets she had while explaining she was AJ Styles' girlfriend. Nodding the bouncer let them through as he called some one on his walkie talkie as the girls walked past him. Not even 5 seconds later Pam heard a male call out to Ashley and she saw a good looking man with shoulder length brown hair and blue eyes walk over to Ashley before scooping her up into his arms, kissing her. 

"Hey babygirl!" he said after he kissed her before he turned to look at the girls that were with Ashley.

"Oh, Mercedes, Rebecca, Leah and Pamela this is AJ, babe these are the my girls!" Ashley said introducing the girls to AJ and AJ to the girls.

"Hello ladies, I'm thrill that you have come to my club. Here let me show you to your seats, this way!" AJ said leading the girls to the table in front of the stage as they sat down getting comfortable.

"I'll send over a waiter and please enjoy the show!" AJ said to the girls as he kissed Ashley one last time before walking away to find a waiter. A few minutes later a topless man with only just a pair of black leather underwear on came over to their table.

"Hello ladies, my name is Jake and I'll be your waiter for tonight. Would you like some drinks?" asked Jake pulling out a small notepad.

"Let's see..... we'll have a 'bloody mary' for Becks, 'a screwdriver' for Mercy, a 'sea breeze' for Leah, a 'flirtini' for me and a 'sex on the beach' for Pam!" Charlotte ordered as the waiter wrote down their order. *Note they are actual cocktails, I didn't make them up*

"I'll be right back with your orders ladies!" Jake said as he turned and left to get their drinks.

The waiter came back a few minutes later with their drinks and after he placed them on their table, Ashley stuffed a 50 dollar bill into his underpants as a tip as she thanked him. And the girls watched him walk off looking at his butt as they 'OHHH!" except for Pam who just sat there wanting this night to be over, so far she wasn't enjoying herself as much as her friends were.

A/N: There is the first chapter I hope you liked it, the next chapter is where the show begins and its complete and ready to be posted. Let's hope Pam likes the show in the next chapter cos I know the other girls will and maybe even you my readers LOL! Until next time!

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