Let The Show Begin!

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A/N: Okay this is the chapter that will sort of be mature LOL! Right so Pam gets dumped by asshole boyfriend and on her birthday the girls take her to a strip club owned by Charlotte's boyfriend AJ Styles. The have their seats and their drinks, so let the show begin, shall we! Before we start ladies and young ladies there will be eye candy hotness in this chapter so please have a mop with you to mop up your drool, oh and please have plenty of cash LOL! Enjoy the chapter and you've been warned of the eye candy hotness that is coming your way!


Pam sat at the table with the girls drinking as she watched her friends enjoying the show but so far Pam wasn't enjoying it. Sure there were very hot male strippers and her friends were throwing money at them, touching them, even getting up to dance with them. Pam tried, she really tried to enjoy the show but it just didn't attract her attention. Yes the male strippers were hot but Pam just wasn't interested.

"Come on Pam, most of the show you've sat there and done nothing. You have all these men practically naked in front of you and your not interested, come on we came here for you to have some fun but your not!" Mercedes said coming over and siting next to Pam.

"I'm just not interested and I really appreciate you girls for doing this but I'm not enjoying this at all! I should just go, I don't want to be a downer on your enjoyment" Pam replied to Mercedes truthfully.

"Well there's one more act to come, maybe it will get you interested, don't go yet. If you don't like the last act we'll go together okay?" Mercedes asked giving Pam her drink as they clicked glasses before drinking.

"Okay Mercy, for you I'll give this last act a chance, I don't see myself getting interested but I'll give it a go!" Pam said drinking her cocktail as AJ Styles came out onto the stage to introduce the last act of the night.

"Ladies and well....... ladies" AJ said as laughs ran out in the club "now our last act for your enjoyment is a man who doesn't need no introduction but he deserves one, get yourselves ready ladies, I give you the Rock'n'Rolla, the 'Prince' FINN BALOR!" AJ Styles yelled before he walked of the stage.

The lights went out and it was dark, then smoke started to fill the stage and then a heartbeat sound could be heard with red lights flashing across the stage. Pam was watching on curious to see what this act will be but not quiet interested. Pam watched on as a figure walked into the smoke then suddenly a hand shoots out of the smoke...

Pam gasped, nearly jumping out of her seat as she wasn't expecting a hand to shoot out of the smoke like that and now she was getting really curious to see what happens next

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Pam gasped, nearly jumping out of her seat as she wasn't expecting a hand to shoot out of the smoke like that and now she was getting really curious to see what happens next. The smoke starts to part slightly to reveal a man, a good looking man in a leather jacket standing in the smoke as it floats around him before he turns his head to look out at the audience...

 The smoke starts to part slightly to reveal a man, a good looking man in a leather jacket standing in the smoke as it floats around him before he turns his head to look out at the audience

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