The Date!

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A/N: It's time for the next part of this book and this part we'll see Fergal and Pam go on their first date and what happens after it. Ohhhh so exciting, They'll get to know each other better in this one as their feelings continue to grow. So sit back grab a coffee or tea and enjoy the next part of this book!

*For Tina for striking up a good deal with me to update this LOL!* 


The next day Pam had gone about her every day routine but she was thinking about Fergal and she was curious to see if he'd call her and take her out on that coffee date. She was at the grocery store doing some shopping before she was to go home. She had just put something in the trolley when her phone rang, startling her, she pulled her phone out to check the caller ID to see who was calling her. For a second she thought it might have been Sasha calling her to catch up on her but when she looked down at her phone it said 'Fergal', Pam smiled as she answered the call.

"Hello Fergal!" Pam said answering the call.

"How did you know it was me?" Fergal asked on the other end.

"Caller ID" Pam replied laughing.

"I'm in your contacts now?" Fergal asked again.

"Of course, you don't know when I'll be needing a male stripper" Pam joked as Fergal laughed at her response.

"What are you doing tonight?" Fergal asked her changing the subject.

"Well as far as I know, nothing. Why?" Pam now asked in reply.

"How would you feel if I took you out for dinner tonight?" Fergal asked Pam, hoping she'd say yes.

"Are you asking me out on a date, Mr Devitt?" Pam playfully asked smiling.

"Yes I am, Ms Martinez. So will you have dinner with me tonight?" Fergal playfully replied.

"You've got yourself a date! What time are you picking me up?" Pam excepted before asking him what time to be ready.

"I'll pick you up at 7, so be ready" Fergal answered.

"Okay, see you at 7 then" Pam said trying not to giggle with excitement.

"Alright, see you at 7, I can't wait!" Fergal said as Pam smiled again.

"Goodbye Fergal, see you at 7" Pam said, starting to blush a bit now.

"See you at 7, goodbye Pamela" Fergal replied before hanging up.

Pam smiled to herself after she hang up as well, she was going on a date with Fergal Devitt and she couldn't wait to get home and get ready for her dinner date with him. Going to the checkout, Pam paid for her groceries before walking out of the grocery store rushing home to get herself ready.


Later that night Pam was looking through her closet for a nice dress to wear for her dinner date with Fergal. She had pulled out so many dresses trying to find the right one. Then she found a dress tucked in the back of her closet and when she pulled it out, she smiled. Pam found her dress it was perfect, it was a black short dress that she had worn last year at some party she went to with the girls but now it was perfect for this date.

She placed it on the bed before going in to have a shower and fix herself up. Coming out of the bathroom Pam grabbed the dress and put it on turning to the mirror and fixed her hair. She straighten it and left it all down as she put on some hooped earrings before she fixed her make up, nothing too much just basic and natural. slipping on some strapped cream coloured heels she looked at her self in the mirror, satisfied she grabbed her phone and took a photo...

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