We Meet Again!

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A/N: Next chapter is here and Pam and Fergal will meet again, how you say? Well you have to read this chapter to find out. This chapter is tame compared to the previous one so sit back and enjoy reading the next part of this book. Happy reading!


The next day after her strip club experience, Pam couldn't get Finn out of her mind and she kept playing the kiss over and over in her head. She was in the kitchen sitting on the island having a coffee replaying the chain of events from last night in her head. She was so caught up in her thoughts she didn't hear the door bell, she finally snapped back to reality when she heard someone calling her name.

"Pam! Pam, are you home?" came the voice that sounded like Mercedes. Getting up from the island, Pam placed her mug down and went to answer the door.

"Hey, Mercy! Sorry about that, I didn't hear you" Pam said after opening the door and letting Mercedes in.

"I just stop by to see how you are, after last night" Mercedes was saying as they walked into the living room.

"I'm okay, I'm doing good. Ashley was right I did need it" Pam replied smiling at Mercedes.

"The girls and I are glad you had a good time, in the end. Thank god Finn Balor came out when he did because you were ready to run" Mercedes laughed as Pam stood there then started laughing too.

"Yeah lucky! Do you want a coffee?" Pam asked trying to distract Mercedes from the subject of Finn Balor.

"Yeah, I'd love one" Mercedes replied walking further into the living room as Pam walked out to make her a coffee. Soon Pam came back with two mugs of coffee handing one to Mercedes as they both sat down on the couch. 

"Thanks again for convincing me to come out with you and the girls. I had a good time, so thanks" Pam said after giving Mercedes her coffee.

"Your welcome, we're glad you had fun....... thanks to Finn Balor" Mercedes said looking at Pam as she drank her coffee.

Just then Pam's mind wondered off at the mention of Finn Balor as she remembered what happened last night..... Finn then surprised Pam once again when he stood over her as he cupped the back of her head pulling her close to him before claiming her lips with his kissing her....... before Pam knew what was happening he pulled back again smiling as he walked away from her but he turned one last time to look at her, he licked his lips before walking off the stage....

"Hello, earth to Pam! Do you copy? Come in please?" Mercedes said 

"Hmmm...... What? Sorry, my mind drifted off for a second" Pam replied before taking a sip of her coffee.

"OH MY GOD!" Mercedes gasped looking at Pam before she smiled at her.

"What?" Pam asked looking at Mercedes.

"You like him, oh my god you like Finn Balor" Mercedes replied giggling like a school girl.

"I don't know what your talking about" Pam said taking another sip of her coffee trying to hide the blush that was slowly forming on her cheeks.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about! Look at you, your blushing" Mercedes said laughing as she placed her mug on the coffee table.

"Yes, he's cute and I'm not blushing!" Pam replied trying to cover up but failing miserably.

"Cute..... dude he's hot as hell and I know you like him, don't lie to me I know you better than you know yourself Pam" Mercedes said after she had stopped laughing.

"Okay so what if I do, he's a stripper Mercy it won't work and how do I know he doesn't already have a girlfriend or something" Pam replied again placing her mug down next to the other one Mercedes had put on the table just before.

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