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Camila's POV

We were all in the lobby, just waiting for Lauren to arrive, since she was late as usual. I had brought my little bag with my phone, my notebook, earphones of course my purse and my cigarettes with the black lighter. The others hadn't brought anything besides from their phones in their back pocket of their shorts and a purse. They didn't need to know what I had in my bag. We were all sitting on the sofas on our phones, well everyone besides me. I was walking around the lobby, reading the flyers that were hung up, just because I was bored and if I would go on my phone I would either be attacked with hate on my social medias or being surprised with another text from the unknown number and thats what I didn't wanted at the moment.

So I was just walking around the lobby when I saw the man from last night staring at me again. Not again. He was totally checking me out again. My legs up to my butt, up my spine to my hair, the side of my face, looking at my eyes or my lips and looking to my neckline. It was not a good Idea putting on this black long sleeve with a neckline. Whatever, it's not like he could do something to me anyways. When I suddenly saw him coming toward me I quickly flinched and made my way back to the girls before he could come any closer. The girls saw my scared face but didn't say anything. I wish one of them would talk to me.

I sat one one of the free places just when Lauren exit the elevator and all the girls stood up, walking towards the door. We made our way to the Restaurant the girls had decided to go, of course they had decided without me, but it's not like I would eat anything anyways. On the way there Lauren was talking to Ally and Dinah to Normani. I was just walking behind them, I was the fifth wheel on the car just like always. I was getting sick of it. But I could do nothing against it, I could just make one of them talk to me if they didn't wanted to. So I just walk there, behind them.

We entered the restaurant at sat down at our table, Lauren on my right, my left was towards the window. I was just going to order a salat and a water, well, I thought I was just going to order this until my phone buzzed in my bag and I saw a message from 'UNKNOWN'.

UNKNOWN(just now): 'Don't you dare eating something you fat ass.'

I put my phone back and just stared blankly onto the table.

"Camz, you ok?" I looked up, wait Lauren just called me by my nickname. And she did really just asked me if I was ok. I snapped out of my thoughts and looked up from the table in Laurens direction, but not into her eyes. "Ehm yeah...." I answered. She just nodded as she was not believing me and looked back into her menu. I closed my menu card.

"So what are you all eating?" Normani asked, looking at Dinah to start. Everyone said their menu and then she looked at me, waiting for me to say what I wanted to order. "I'm just going to have a water." I said unsure. "You're kidding right?" Normani said. "What?" I asked confused. "You're definitely not just going to order a water Camila. You are going to eat a proper meal. I haven't seen you eat since the show yesterday afternoon." "But I don't want to eat, I'm not really hungry." "You know what that means." Normani say looking back into her menu card. I just looked at her confused. "What?" I asked her. "I'm going to order something for you if you are not doing it by yourself." God, pleas no. "Normani, please don't..." I begged. "Then order by yourself." All the girls eyes were now on me. I was so uncomfortable. I nodded and looked back into my own menu card. What should I order now. Like, I was hungry, but I know I shouldn't eat. So I just chose the salad from earlier. "I'm going to take a salad." "That's not enough Camila." Dinah now said. "At least take the salad with chicken stripes." I nodded, not wanting to start another argument with one of the girls and closed my menu. Soon the waitress came and we all ordered.

While waiting I decided to go outside to smoke again. But I couldn't just go outside and smoke, it would be to obvious. "I'm just going outside to call my mom since I didn't call her all week." I said. They nodded and I took my bag and went outside but didn't stay in front of the entry because our table was on the window so I walked a bit around the corner and lit up a cigarette. It really let me relax, especially after the small conflict withe the girls on the table. Maybe I was a little to relaxed because I didn't notice someone approaching me until the person tipped on my shoulder. I was fast to react, dropped the cigarette on the floor and turned around. Behind me stood Lauren. "Camz, I told you not to exaggerate." "I'm not! This is just my second one." "Don't lie to me, I know its not. I saw you yesterday. Everything was spilled across the floor." I looked down in embarrassment. She saw me yesterday. "When did you go inside yesterday Camz?" What should I say? "Well... I guess I didn't." "What?! You didn't? You know you could get sick." "Yeah I know..." still looking down. "You know you can't get sick, especially not now, while we're on tour. And you know that smoking can ruin your voice." "Oh so that's what this is about. My health for the tour, I should just not get sick so you won't have any trouble performing without me and my voice could get horrible from smoking and I wouldn't sound the same singing, right? I know you all actually don't give a fuck!" I said, walking back to the restaurant, leaving Lauren alone and being surprised about my sudden outburst.

I sat down on my place, the others just looking at me until Ally spoke. "Where's Lauren? And hows your mom?" "I don't know where Lauren is and yeah, my mom is good." I answered Allys question. I knew where Lauren was, I just didn't knew what was taking her so long. And just when I was about to fall back into my thoughts, Lauren entered the door and sat next to me. She didn't even look at me, but I didn't even wanted to talk to her. After a few more minutes our food came and it was then, when Lauren thanked the waitress for the food, that I smelled it. She had been smoking too.

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