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Camila's POV

We enjoyed the rest of the afternoon together on the sand, talking, laughing, kissing, cuddling and just... being us and unbothered. It made me forget for a moment... forget about all my problems... and upcoming problem... which immediately started bothering me when I thought about it. I decided to tell Shawn about it today... probably during dinner or in bed. But for now, I pushed these thoughts out of my head, to not ruin this moment. 

The sun was going down and we were starting to pack our things. We had eaten almost everything so the basket only had the empty boxes and our blanket. I, again, took the guitar as we larked hand in hand as we walked along the beach. Of course only until there were some people and even paparazzis... again. He let go of my hand and we walked to the car, both with our sunglasses on and head looking down. As soon as we were sat inside the car, Shawn let me choose some music and we drove back home.

Paparazzis were waiting by the entrance but we rushed inside, directly towards the elevator and entering his condo. We sat our things down and sat ourselves down on his big comfy couch. We hadn't really made any plans about what to do but we had agreed in making dinner together. Something easy. We sat a few minutes in each others arms, cuddling and making sure we knew how much we love each other and then agreeing on making pizza for dinner.

So here we were. We both had changed clothes. He insisted in giving me one of his longlseeves, which on me looked like a dress so I agreed and he thought it looked super cute. He stood in the kitchen in only some shorts, which made him even hotter than he already was. Damn.

While he got the ingredients, I choose the perfect recipe. Of Cours I had to get a notification from Lauren in that second. 

'Lauren'(just now): 'Hey Camila, we are coming to Toronto tomorrow... maybe we can meet the day after tomorrow? We can just talk over the phone when we arrive to make out a place where to meet ok?'

Great... I need to tell Shawn about it. Later... he is in a good mood and I don't want to bring him down just because I am too afraid to meet them. He then entered the room with Flour, eggs and the rest of things we needed to make our own pizza dough. He sat the things down on the counter and I quickly opened the recipe I had chosen. "Catch!" he suddenly shouted and threw an egg at me. I, luckily, reacted quickly and caught it and immediately threw it back at him. But he, unfortunately, wasn't ready and it fell directly on the floor in front of his feet. Shit. "Oh my god... Shawn, I am so sorry.... wait... I will... I'm going to...  I'll clean it up... so sorry..." I panicked, not knowing his reaction. But when I was about to grab a cloth, he stopped my hand mid air and took the cloth which I was about to grab. "Mila... stop. Why are you panicking? Nothing happened. I just dropped an egg, Mila.... It's ok." He said, wiping away a tear that had escaped from my eye out of panic. I don't know why I had that reaction.... probably because whenever I would do something in the group, they would either scream at me or be mad for the rest of the day. He then kissed my nose and then my lips, putting a small smile back on my lips. He cleaned it up quickly and got another egg out of the fridge. "Should we start?" he asked, smiling at me. I nodded, grabbing the bag of  flour and positioning it, so I could open it. Shawn had put the bowl down in front of me and when I started to open the bag, Shawn smashed the bottom of the bag, making a huge cloud of flour flying out of the bag, making my whole body white. He just started laughing while I was pretty surprised. "Awwww.... look at you...." he said, grabbing me by the waist and pulling me in. I took the chance to stick my hand into the flour bag and throwing a handful against his chest. Now was my time to laugh at him. He laughed too, grabbing some of the flour which was on his chest and wiping it onto my cheek. We shared another kiss, before actually starting with the dough. 

After about 30 minutes we were finally done. It shouldn't take that long but... we were Shawn and Camila in love, doing things to distract from cooking. But when we finally had the dough done and spread out on the baking sheet we started spreading the tomato sauce we had made onto the pizza dough. Of course Shawn just had to dip his finger inside and smear it on my other cheek, which didn't have flour. I did the same to him but he reacted quickly and turnt his head away, causing me to smear it onto his lips. "Oh... you have something on your lip...Right here." I leaned in and kissed it away. "Cutie..."  he whispered against my lips, making me blush. "Come on... lets finish now... I'm pretty hungry." He said after pulling away. I nodded, putting the ingredients onto the pizza while he started turning on the oven. I shoved the pizza inside and he closed it. Then we set the table for both of us, put on some music and danced a bit. "Should we get redressed? Clean your face?" Shawn asked me, eying my face, which was full of flour, like my whole upper body, and tomato sauce. "yeah, that's probably a good idea... and you should maybe clean up your chest too?" I asked, wiping my hand over his flour covered chest. "I will... later." He smiled before kissing me again. I then walked into the bedroom, while Shawn stayed in the living room. I washed my face and then walked over to Shawns closet, pulling out one of his hoodies, which again, looked like a dress on me. I know I could just take a shirt but I wasn't really comfortable wearing shirts and show my stitches. So I just used hoodies and long-sleeved shirts. I walked back into the kitchen, just to see, that Shawn had redecorated the table. The lights were slightly dimmed and there was a candle in the middle of the table with a few rose petals and a vase with 5 sunflowers. This. Is. Heaven. When Shawn spotted me, he stood up and stood in front of me. "You look too cute Mila, stop oh my god..." he said, embracing me tightly. I took in his scent, smiling. I really love him. 


✌🏼✌🏼 This is cute... right? 

Oh, and tell me where y'all are from! Like, which country. I have absolutely no idea what time it is for you when I upload. But my sleeping schedule is completely messed up at the moment so it isn't making a big difference probably haha...

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