Battle 2

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Battle 2: 🎶I'm breaking in, shaping up, then checking out on the prison bus. This is it, the apocalypse🎶

Round two is here! Congrats to all that made it through, but the battle is not over yet! 😃 I hope you're ready for war! (I seriously don't know why I'm this cringey. 😅)

So, we still want a book cover (fit to Wattpad dimensions), but all we're going to give you is a song for inspiration, and the genre of book we want it for. Sound simple enough, right? 🙂


-a book cover that could be used for a Science Fiction story. SCIENCE FICTION. You can submit the cover on any style (standard, aesthetic, minimalist, vector, etc) but it has to read like it was made for a sci-fi book.

-to see some sort of relation from the song "Radioactive" by Imagine Dragons on the cover. Whether you use a lyric as the title or subtext, to whether you use it completely as if it was the story itself. You decide! Plus, it's a really good song 🤗 so you might as well enjoy it.

-your username as your author's name. Some people did not do this in the last round, which was fine, but we'd appreciate you doing this. It makes sorting out who's entry belongs to who much easier for us.

COVER IS DUE: September 22nd, EST

COVER IS DUE: September 22nd, EST

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Tip #2: Choose your font wisely. Every font will not work, depending on the mood and genre of story. Ex: While a bubbly cursive may look great for a light-hearted teen fiction, it would not work so well with a murder mystery. Use discernment when choosing, because this detail could make or break your cover.

Affinity Wars: Battle of the CoversWhere stories live. Discover now