Battle 4

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Battle 4: 🎶If we met at midnight in the hanging tree🎶

Sup, soldiers! 😏 I have a feeling you're going to love this next battle!

For this round, we want to see just how innovative you can be. If you're familiar with the lyric above, then you probably already have an idea of what the theme is...but I'll tell you anyway 😌. THE HUNGER GAMES!

We want to see you create your own version of a book cover for the very first book in that amazing trilogy. You have complete freedom on how you approach this, the style you choose, the only stipulation is, we have to be able to see it as the cover for the book. If you haven't read it before...where have you been? 😂 but seriously, we recommend reading a summary of it so you have an idea of what the story is about.


Title: The Hunger Games
Author: Suzanne Collins
Subtext: Graphic by (your USERNAME)

Everything else is up to you, just stay true to the book. It's not a sappy love story, or bright and happy, so the cover shouldn't reflect something like that.

Remember, anyone can be eliminated, so put your best work forward.

Cover is due: October 26, 2018

Tip 4: Poor title placement could make or break your cover

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Tip 4: Poor title placement could make or break your cover. Text is usually the last thing you place on a cover, but it should also be one of the first things you think about before beginning your creation. The last thing you want is to have a beautiful graphic but no where to put the title. All in all, plan ahead and you won't regret it.

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