Chapter 3

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Simba's POV:

My world twisted. I think someone laid me down, but I don't remember. I was just confused. What happened? How? When? I just was there, thinking and crying. The only thing I remember was going towards my parents and lay in their side and trying to sleep.

I had nightmares. A lot.
My dad was with my mom, and I tried to reach them, but I couldn't walk or run. They were slowly vanishing until they were gone.
Uncle Scar sometimes appeared, but I ignored him. What could he have done? But he sometimes appeared instead of my parents, but they weren't disappearing. They were APPEARING.

I woke up in the cave where I usually slept. My throat was dry because of my crying.
My parents. Dead.
I thought this was a dream, but the look in Sarafina's eyes told me it wasn't.
  - I'm sorry Simba - she said with a sorrow voice.
I just stood there, doing nothing. I didn't want to. I wanted to stay there until I turned into rocks and disappear. I just didn't want to live anymore.
I cried again. I just couldn't stop. Sarafina got closer and tried to embrace me. I embraced her back, still crying.
  - It's ok sweetheart. Everything is going to be ok - Sarafina said. Trying to be nice to me.
  - Yes. Everything is going to be Ok, indeed - uncle Scar said, entering the cave - Mufasa,s death was heartbreaking. But we shall then continue what Mufasa started.
  - Scar, leave the kid alone. He already lost his parents. Let him rest.
  - Oh, yes. He didn't even start living yet, but he already lost his parents. Someone needs to take care of him, right?
  - Definitely not you - she said.
  - Oh. But why not? I am his uncle. I know him. I can take good care.
  - I am his aunt and I WILL take care of him. You couldn't even take care of your own club!!
  Scar was silent. His cub was a story that he hated to tell. He died after he got sick. At least that's what they told me.
  - Don't you dare TALK ABOUT NUKA!!! - He screamed. He was really mad.
  - What the hell is going on here? - someone that I have never seen before said, entering the cave with other lionesses.
  - Nothing - Sarafina said - it's over now.
  She got me by the neck and walked out of the cave.
  - Sarafina? - I asked - what am I going to do?
  - Calm down. It's gonna be ok.
  - But my dad...
  - I know... - she said, trying to substitute my mom. She can't. Nobody can.
  We stood there, doing nothing, in silence. Scar was arguing with some voices that I couldn't recognize. He said that As now he is King, He may do whatever he wanted, so he wanted to teach me how to be king. I still hoped that this was just a bad dream.

Bad news: It wasn't

Night came. So did hunger. I hadn't eaten in three days, but my parent's death made me forgot about it until now. But it was the night. I couldn't ask someone to hunt for me... Everything was going just how it wasn't.
- If you wanted, you could've asked
  Uncle Scar entered the cave with a tired look.
  - Oh. Was it yours? I didn't know -I said, kinda afraid of him. The scar on his face looked like it was recent, even tho he told me he made this when he was really young.
  - Oh, I don't mind. You can eat. I got just for you.
  - Thanks, Uncle Scar.
  He didn't respond. He just ignored me and went to sleep while I ate.

So there was I. I didn't know where to sleep. I usually slept on the throne with Mom and Dad... I could only do one thing. Find Sarafina.
She was the closest thing I had to a mother.
  - Sarafina? May I sleep with you? - I asked an almost sleeping Sarafina.
  - Huh? Oh! Yes, sweetheart - she said, leaving a space for me to sleep
  - Thanks - I said, while I laid down and instantly sleeping.
***The next day**

Nala's POV:

I woke up with a sleeping Simba on me. Why was he here? Then I remembered. He had no more parents. Mom should have been the closest one to Sarabi.
Poor Simba. He had lost so much in one day. I couldn't wake him up, so I just stayed there, waiting for him to get off me.
He started to roll left and right, probably having a nightmare. He fell to the ground, allowing me to get up.
Just when I was about to exit the cave, I heard a voice.
  - Nala?
  I turned around to see that Simba is woken up.
  - Yeah?
  - Where are you going?
  - Just walking to the Waterhole. I am thirsty
  - Can I go? I an thirsty too.
  - Okay - I said, walking out of the cave.
We started walking to the Waterhole, just like yesterday. Wow. So much stuff happened in one day...
  -Nala, what could I do? -Simba asked
  - I... I seriously don't know Simba.
   What could I say? He was asking something to me. He was asking for a CUB. He was even older than me. If so, I should be asking
help from him.

We arrived at the Waterhole. Wow. This place changed a lot for 1 day. There were fewer animals then yesterday, and the ones that were there looked ill. It was sad what a death could do to Pridelands. We were so strong.
We drank some water, that tasted weirder. Mufasa' s death changed everything.
After we drank, we entered the lake. Why not? After all, we needed to smile.

It failed in astronomical ways.

After we arrived at the gorge on our way back. Simba stooped and looked down.  There was it. A log. It all started there

Who knew that a log could change a kingdom. But wait... Scar said there was a deburring... And there was almost no dirt.
  - Hey Simba... Why is there so few dirt there if it was a deburring?
  And I instantly regretted saying that. He started crying again. I totally forgot about that...
  - Simba, I-I... Am sorry, I mean, I didn't mean to
   He just continued walking. Alone. Towards Priderock. Searching someone to love him as much as his parents, even though he wouldn't.


Hey guys! So, this is my last premade chapters. I wanted to have this just in case if I took a long time to finish writing chapter 4, in which is taking a lot of effort and also my notebook of ideas is full, but they are for, like, ~Chap.10 and beyond, and my local grocery store sells it for (in some sort of direct change) $5 dollars for a book with ~60 pages, so... Yeah. Tell me in the comments how long do you want the chapters: 700 words( write faster, fewer details and faster rhythm), 1000-1100 words (now) of 1500-2000-more(slower pace, rich details. 1-4 weeks of writing and revision.

Also, report anything you think I should do(especially because I am kinda losing tracks of filler things until things I have planned

(Also I need kinda sad songs for future chapters, so please send links down there)

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