[ Chapter 3 ] The White Masks of Death

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---20 minutes after deployment---

Up a snowy mountain, two silhouettes are seen moving upwards against what could only be called a snowstorm.

"D-Da Vinci! Are you sure we're headed up the right place?!"

"I'm 80% positive you're heading to where Chaldea is!"

"Then what about that remaining 20%?!"

"You're lost in a snowstorm!"

After moving out from the [ Shadow Border ], the first order of business everyone agreed upon was to find Chaldea first. Recovering the equipment there would be prove extremely beneficial in combat against a Lostbelt.

Right now however, Ritsuka and Mash weren't exactly sure WHERE they were headed to, and Da Vinci could only give them basic directions. The clear skies earlier were suddenly replaced by a snowstorm. But, they still felt more tame than the blizzards of the Servant Anastasia.

"Senpai! Are you sure I should be the one behind you? I can block the snow with my shield if I stand in front!"

"That's a big no Mash! If Ritsuka stands behind you, there's no telling where you'll end up without me telling her directions to guide you two!"

"It's alright Mash, it's not like I'm going to die of hypothermia after so long. Besides, this uniform really helps a bunch."

The Specialised Chaldea Combat uniform is a black colored alternate version of the normal Chaldea uniform that was designed for Masters who engage in combat under extreme weather conditions that the normal Chaldea Combat suit would normally be unable to withstand.

Despite the fact it doesn't cover the legs of females with any sort of stocking or trousers and was rather thin in fabric, it provided flexibility and warmth for anyone wearing it thanks to the Magecraft applied on it which keeps one's whole body at average temperatures no matter the weather.

"It'd really help if this blizzard wasn't constantly trying to knock us back down the hill though!" Ritsuka regretted not bringing Anastasia with her, who could have obviously done something about this. While she was thinking of that, a beeping comes from the communicator in her breast pocket.

"Ritsuka! Mash! I'm detecting a Servant mana signature approaching your position!"

"Are they an enemy!?" There was no time to think if the Servant was friend or foe. If a Servant was going to attack them while their movement is hindered, the entire battle would be disadvantageous.

Carefully skipping backwards from the front, she stands behind her Demi-Servant. Mash had already heard Da Vinci's warning and deployed her Noble Phantasm against any incoming attack. Sure enough, several came clashing against the shield's exterior.

Multiple projectiles were being thrown at Mash and Ritsuka. It couldn't be confirmed what they were being hit with, but it wasn't strong enough to penetrate the shield at least. Just then, Da Vinci's voice was heard once more.

"There's another one coming right behind you, wait no! There's two, three, five?!"

Was this the end for them? To be caught by enemies right in the middle of nowhere without making any progress whatsoever?

[ Fate/Grand Order ] Final Lostbelt: ChaldeasWhere stories live. Discover now