[ Chapter 9 ] New Resolve

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Snow crashed against the [ Shadow Border ], slowly enveloping it. It would soon be buried under snow completely if nothing was done about it. But truth be told, there was nothing that could be done.

"W-what do you mean we ran out of fuel?"

A child-size Ritsuka asks Da Vinci, both of them standing at the helm of the [ Shadow Border ]. All the glowing indicators and measuring systems, even the holographic table, were all inactive. There was not a hint of 'life' left in the vessel's machinery.

"I had to reroute most of the energy and scrap certain parts for preparing medical equipment. This vehicle didn't exactly possess advanced tech for emergency treatment."

Despite saying that herself, Da Vinci continued to attempt activation of the [ Shadow Border ]'s basic movement systems. But there was no luck. She'd eventually give up with a defeated sigh.

"Well, the good news is that you're still alive. There may still be a chance to complete our mission." Da Vinci sat down on the driver's seat, simply staring out the windshield as it slowly gets covered up.

Ritsuka, despite her current form, still had her full strength as a Master. However, she was still unsure about whether she could bring herself to do what was necessary. Fiddling with her fingers as she looked down at them, she replied with a soft voice.

"Da Vinci, are you sure..we should be denying this Lostbelt..?"

"What makes you say that Ritsuka?"

"You..should know..I told you everything.."

Before the both of them arrived at the helm, Ritsuka had explained the entire situation of the current Lostbelt. Da Vinci had been in the dark the whole time once they exited the Defense System's field after all.

At first, her reaction was that of surprise, but then it turned into indifference before moving to the helm. But right now, Ritsuka couldn't tell what Da Vinci's expression was like right now. Standing behind her, Ritsuka didn't have the will to speak to her face to face.

"And what difference does it make if they're all alive again?"

A cold, merciless answer. It was something unlike Da Vinci's usual self.

Ritsuka was taken aback by how straightforward Da Vinci was. She'd imagine Da Vinci would have at least considered an alternative method, knowing her.

"A-are you saying we should destroy all of them..?"

"Isn't that our mission still? We've done so 7 times already. What difference does it make if its our own people we have to erase this time around?"

She was right. All of the Crypters fought hard to protect their own Lostbelts, yet Ritsuka and what remained of Chaldea simply denied them their continued existence.

The other Ritsuka was no different. They were simply using any means necessary to protect their existence, whilst the inhabitants of the Lostbelt didn't even know of their situation.


"Would you be able to say that to Doctor's face..?"


Silence filled the room at Ritsuka's question. Although she had technically done the same previously, it was during a time where it was necessary for her own survival. But with new revelations, she wasn't sure if she could do it again.

"Ritsuka, if we have been in the wrong all this time..does that mean we should just suddenly change our course of action for a single exception?"

"What do you mean..?"

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