♔ Protect ♔

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"I think I drank too much coffee, my eyes are glued open." I sighed, falling down onto the couch the minute we all got home. You see, I live in an apartment with Zach and Mikey. I know, a little odd, the girl that dreamed of even being in the same room as The Neighborhood is now living with two of them in one... I know it's difficult to understand. Even I have problems wrapping my head around it sometimes. But I always get snapped back into reality whenever these two dumbasses make a mess.

"I call the shower!" Zach shouted, pointing his finger at us and rushing to the bathroom door. Mikey and I groaned and waited for him to finish, which let me inform you, always takes forever. Man, that boy is such a perfectionist. I didn't bother to turn on the tv because we weren't that big on tv shows anyways, we'd rather chill out and be on our phones or something. Which is what me and Mikey were doing. We have an L shaped type huge leather couch in the middle of the room, I sat against the side, while Mikey was on the other, our legs were laying on top of each other like a type of leg warmer, leg rest type deal. Don't ask.

"So you wanna tell me what that was all about earlier?" Mikey said, out of the blue. I looked up from my phone and gazed at him. I groaned and sat up. How do these fuckers know everything?

"What, me and Jesse can't have a casual conversation alone?" I replied, playing with the long strand from the rip on his jeans. He rolled his eyes at me.

"You, Jesse, in a room together, alone. Casual conversation. You're kidding right?" He laughed and turned off his phone so he could give me all his attention. I glared at him, he was right. Even a stranger walking by us could tell that. It was just that obvious and easy to tell. I guess that was he vibe we come across as to people.

"I just don't understand why he's acting like this all of a sudden.. .I mean we were totally fine before! But now he's acting up over small shit." I say, still toying with the jean strand.

"What do you mean?" He asked, fluffing up his now curly long hair.

"Like everytime I do something with a different guy, even just smile at him, he starts getting angry at me. And it's so fucking irritating. He always acts up when I do something as tiny as hug Zach. Like he won't even let me touch Zach!" Mikey shot up and tensed as I said the last sentence. I grabbed his calf in fear. "What? What happened? Are you okay? Mikey." I blurted out, checking his face. He blinked a few times and shook his head.

"I'm really... really not supposed to say anything about this but.. I can't just leave you like this..." He trailed off, playing with his fingers. Now I tensed up like he did. He took a while to say it, I van tell how he was nervous and actually kinda afraid to say.


He nodded and looked straight at me. "You're right, you know?" He said, raising his eyebrows. "You and Zach are the only reason why Jesse's getting angry. And not just with any other guy."

"W-Why? Why would he even get angry? He knows we're best friends!" I shouted, covering my mouth because I wasn't sure if I said that loud enough for Zach to hear from the bathroom.

"Because.. he knows." Mikey said, now avoiding all eye contact.

"Knows what?"

"That Zach likes you."

Drunk Eyes & Sober Hands // Jesse Rutherford  & Zach AbelsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant