Chapter 1

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I woke up alone in a cold dark room. I looked around as I remembered what happened. I have no idea where I am but I know I have to get out. I tried the door but it was locked and the 2 windows were too high up for me to reach and even if I could they had iron bars placed over them so there was no way I was getting out. Then I remembered my phone. I always have my phone in my sports bra when I'm sleeping!
I sighed in relief when I found it was still there. I had to stop myself from screaming in frustration when I saw there was no signal and my battery was about to die. God I hate Bell! At least if I had a couple bars I could call the cops before my phone dies but nooo I had to have the shittiest service provider on the planet!
I started looking around the room and almost screamed in relief when I found an old flip phone behind and old dusty box. I flipped it open and saw it had 3 bars and the battery was at 70%! I quickly dialled the one number I knew by heart.

"Ill be right back." I called as I stepped outside and pulled out my phone. It was an unknown number that flashed across the screen. I shrugged and hit talk.
"Ty? Oh my god! Please don't hang up!"
I knew that voice anywhere.
"Kaz? Why the fuck are you calling me? How did you even get my number?" I snapped.
"You've had the same one since you got your first cellphone! But that's not important! I need help! I have no idea where I am! I'm scared Ty!"
To say I was confused would be an understatement.
"What are you talking about freak?"
"Ty please! You have to find me! I'm terrified! What if they kill me?"
I could hear the fear in her voice as clear as day. She was on the verge of tears and she sounded really shaken up.
"If they kill you I guess I'll have to find a new freak to push around."
"Ty! This isn't a fucking joke! Someone broke into my apartment last night! I thought it was Chris but it wasn't! They grabbed me, chloroformed me and I woke up in some room! I don't know where I am! I just wanna go home!" She cried.
My heart sunk a little as she choked back sobs. I knew she was telling the truth.
"Ok ok. I believe you!"
"Ty I'm scared."
"I know. Do you know who took you?"
"Alright is there anything you can tell me about where you are so I've at least got something to help find you?"

I had never been happier to hear Ty's voice! I was so scared he would think this was some prank and hang up.
"You still there?"
"Oh yeah! Sorry um there's bars over the windows so I can't see much but there's a gas station down the road and I can see a hydro truck in the drive way but that's it."
"Do you even know if you're still in town?"
"Yeah I think I am. The truck says Bellville Hydro on the side."
"Alright at least that's something."
"Please hurry Ty. I'm freaking out."
"Yeah yeah just put whatever phone your using on silent and I'll call you back in a couple hours."
"NO! Ty don't!"
It was too late he already hung up.
I sunk to the floor tears burning my eyes. I guess now all I can do is wait.

Don't Hang UpΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα