Chapter 4

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Hey guys! So I know the chapters are pretty short but I never planned on this story being a long one so please bare with me! I will try to make the upcoming chapters longer but I make no promises.

Anyway I hope you guys like it so far!

Don't forget I LOVE hearing from all of you so don't be afraid to drop a comment it can be anything! But if I see any hate towards my fans I will not be impressed! So yeah comment below! Tell me what you like, what you hate, who you like Kaz or Ty? Or just say hi! I love hearing from you guys so go nutz!



I made it to Kaz's apartment complex and took the elevator to the top floor. I counted the doors as I walked down the hall til I finally got to the right one. She's gotta have a spare key somewhere. If I was Kaz where would I hide a key? Ah hah! I got down on my hands and knees and slid my fingers under the door and sure snough the key was taped to it.

Still as strange as ever, I thought to myself as I unlocked the door and stepped inside. I could tell something was wrong the minute I set foot into the apartment. The kitchen was a disaster! Kaz would never leave the place looking like this and this also wasn't your everyday dirty dish pile up. It was pure chaos! There were broken dishes on the floor, there was a hole in the wall that looked like it was made by a foot and mail, papers and other random objects had been I assumed swiped off the table onto the floor. I looked down at the mess and something shiney caught my eye. I bent down and picked it up. It was Kaz's pocket knife. Her dad gave it to her the day he left to go to Afghanistan to fight when we were in fourth grade. He never did make it back from that mission. At least not alive. I sighed shoving the memories of my purposly forgotten childhood out of my head as I searched for anything that could help me find Kaz.


"Find anything?" I asked.

Ty had told me I was on speaker so I knew he could hear me.

"Not really. Just your dads pocket knife."

"You found it?" I asked excitedly.

I had searched my pockets but it wasnt there. I thought maybe I had dropped it somewhere between my house and where ever here is but the whole time it was sitting on the kitchen floor in my apartment. Just then I realized something.

"Wait how did you get in? The door locks automatically when it closes." I asked.

"Found your spare. You're still just as wierd as I remember." He laughed.

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